Belgian teen injured after drinking glass of bleach

A Belgian teenager faces losing his oesophagus after downing a glass of bleach while trying to copy an American video he didn’t realise was a spoof.

The 17-year-old from Sint-Pieters-Leeuw in Flemish Brabant was promised €10 (£8.8) by friends if he finished the glass.

He was rushed to hospital after the bet, which was inspired by a scripted video from 2009, in which Jordan Thornsburg and friends filmed a parody of an online milk-drinking craze by pretending to drink bleach. 

But the Belgian school pupil from Halle didn’t realise the video – which features Thornsburg throwing up fake blood – was a satire on YouTubers’ attempts to drink a gallon of milk without vomiting. 

Kris Weemaels from Don Brosco school in the city confirmed: ‘The mother has contacted me with the notification that her son drank several slugs of bleach.’  

University of Leuven toxicologist Prof Dr Jan Tytgat says the boy’s burns ‘are just the beginning’ and says in the worst case his entire oesophagus could be ‘eaten away’. 

Parody: This scripted video features Jordan Thornsburg, an American who pretends to drink a bottle of bleach

He said that the risks are even higher when the bleach enters the stomach and reacts with gastric acid. 

‘If you drink several millilitres of bleach, let’s say around 10 to 15 millilitres, it can easily be lethal,’ he said. 

Thornsburg pretends to chug bleach in the video, which is a parody of a milk-drinking craze that emerged online

Thornsburg pretends to chug bleach in the video, which is a parody of a milk-drinking craze that emerged online

The teenager’s name and current condition have not been reported. 

Thornsburg called his joke video ‘absolutely f***ing stupid’ and said he thought it would be clear to anyone that it was a parody. 

In the clip, his friends can be seen calmly encouraging him to ‘drink the bleach’ even after he appears to vomit.

After running water over his face following a first attempt that supposedly burned him, Thornsburg pretends to guzzle more bleach before throwing up tomato juice.

In the video the actor sits down to drink more 'bleach' after apparently vomiting into a sink and then returning to his seat

In the video the actor sits down to drink more ‘bleach’ after apparently vomiting into a sink and then returning to his seat

As he is scolded for wasting the ‘bleach’ supplied by his friend’s mother, he is encouraged to calm it with milk. 

Thornsburg said: ‘I wanted it to be so ridiculous that it was just funny, like it was just going to be scripted and it would be hilarious and ridiculous, like no way is any of this real.’