Sam Wood shares his five-step process for banishing belly fat

For many, losing unwanted stomach fat can be a real struggle – something that takes both effort and commitment.

Luckily Sam Wood, one of Australia’s leading fitness experts, knows that in addition to exercise and diet there are a few other things you can do to burn belly fat.

According to the 38-year-old ex-Bachelor, flatter abs are created through a combination of factors and he said quick fix programs, juice cleanses or hours spent on the treadmill aren’t part of the solution.

From increasing your metabolism to why it’s important to get plenty of sleep, Sam’ has shared his top tips for creating a tight, toned tummy.

Ex Bachelor and fitness instructor Sam Wood (pictured) said flatter abs are created through a combination of factors



1. Boost your metabolism

The personal trainer said while there are many programs promising ‘three-minute abs’ and endless articles written about burning fat off your thighs, neither is possible.

‘If you really want to shift some kilos off your midsection, you need to reduce your overall body fat,’ Sam told Body + Soul.

He said if your focus is on reducing belly fat this is best done through proper nutrition along with metabolic training.

Metabolic training increases metabolic rate  – this is how fast or slow your body processes food.

This type of workout includes HIIT (high-intensity interval training) and resistance training.

Power fitness couple: Sam Wood (pictured left) and his partner Snezana Markoski (pictured right)

Power fitness couple: Sam Wood (pictured left) and his partner Snezana Markoski (pictured right)

2. Don’t discount the importance of sleep

The fitness expert explained while many people are aware of the importance of fitness and nutrition, few understand the value of proper sleep.

Sleep has a direct bearing on appetite and hunger regulation which is why those who feel sleep deprived will turn to sugary or high-fat foods for extra energy.

The PT also said an ongoing and constant lack of sleep can lead increased levels of cortisol – a stress hormone. 

If the body produces too much of this hormone it can go into what is known as a catabolic state, which can encourage fat storage.

Sleep has a direct bearing on appetite and hunger regulation which is why those who feel sleep deprived can turn to sugary or high-fat foods for extra energy (stock image)

Sleep has a direct bearing on appetite and hunger regulation which is why those who feel sleep deprived can turn to sugary or high-fat foods for extra energy (stock image)

3. The benefits of mindfulness

As well as more a focused training routine and better sleep habits, the fitness star touted the benefits of a mindfulness practice.

Sam said as someone ‘always on the go’ he makes a conscious effort each day to take at least five minutes to practice this type of meditation.

Mindfulness, a type of conscious attention, means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations.

As well as more a focused training routine and better sleep habits, the fitness star touted the benefits of a mindfulness practice

As well as more a focused training routine and better sleep habits, the fitness star touted the benefits of a mindfulness practice

While slowing down can feel strange at first, there are a number of ways to do this including stretching, listening to a podcast or using a mindfulness app.

What are Sam’s top tips for flatter abs:

Eat real food: The best place to start is to reduce foods that are high in refined sugars and are heavily processed. If you can’t pronounce most of the ingredients on the back of the label, it probably isn’t good for you

Accelerate your metabolism: Metabolic training increases metabolic rate (this is how fast or slow your body processes food).This type of workout includes HIIT (high-intensity interval training) and resistance training

Add variety to your routine: To keep things interesting, and stop boredom from setting in, make sure there is variety in your training. Mix up HIIT with yoga, pilates and interval cardio

Practice mindfulness: Spend at least five minutes a day becoming aware of thoughts, feelings and sensations. This can help lower the stress hormone cortisol which can cause the bodies to store fat

‘Taking some time out for you is something I make part of my daily routine because I know how important it is for my overall wellbeing,’ he said.

4. Focus on nutrition

Sam said one of the biggest mistakes people make when trying to lose belly fat is by neglecting their nutrition.

He recommends not just focusing on the number of calories you eat each day but on what you’re consuming. 

And his advice? Just eat real food.

The best place to start is to reduce foods that are high in refined sugars and are heavily processed.

If you can’t pronounce most of the ingredients on the back of the label, it probably isn’t good for you.

Salt and alcohol should all be kept to a minimum (if not completely avoided).

‘This doesn’t mean you can go bananas on the avocado, nuts or quinoa though- ensure you keep your portions in check,’ Sam said.

 To keep things interesting, and stop boredom from setting in, make sure there is variety in your training, mix up HIIT with yoga, pilates and interval cardio

 To keep things interesting, and stop boredom from setting in, make sure there is variety in your training, mix up HIIT with yoga, pilates and interval cardio

5. Embrace strength training

Strength or resistance training not only burns calories during your workout, it burns calories once you’ve finished training.

Weight training builds muscle, and as lean muscle increases, so does the metabolism.

Sam’s suggestion is to focus on compound movements that work for more than one muscle group and to keep the intensity high.

Resistance training can include free weights, weight machines, resistance bands, and using your own body weight.

‘Anything that creates a resistance for your muscles to work against can be classified as resistance training,’ Sam said.