The prevalence in the abuse of cannabis has made the mention of the name a no-go area for most people not to talk of making use of it. But as controversial as the usage of cannabis is, the benefits cannot be overemphasized. Cannabis, which has many popular names among which are marijuana, weed, ganja, skunk, yarndi, etc. gets its root from the cannabis plant with its uses ranging from medical/ therapeutic to recreational purposes. Let’s examine below some unique benefits of cannabis:
- Treatment of eye disease
Amazingly, cannabis has proven so helpful in the treatment of glaucoma. Glaucoma, which is an eye condition that damages the optic nerve by increasing pressure in the eyeball and invariably, causing loss of vision, can be treated with the use of cannabis. As cannabis tends to decrease the pressure inside the eye.
- Stress reduction and curbing of anxiety
The consumption of cannabis in moderate quantity work wonders in reducing stress and managing anxiety. The tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) found in cannabis when taken in low doses helps in alleviating stress by calming the mind and body, thereby making the user more relaxed. cannabis also exists in the form of marijuana edibles. Marijuana can be infused in several products such as elixirs, fruit strips, and chocolate bars and also they can be baked into our daily meals such as pizza and granola
- Helps in relieving chemotherapy’s side effects
While treating cancer patients with chemotherapy (the chemical treatment to reduce the spread of cancerous cells in a patient), there tend to be certain adverse effects such as intense pains, nausea, vomiting and even loss of appetite. Research has, therefore shown that the use of cannabis can help alleviate these intense pains, reduce the nauseous feeling, and help improve the patients’ appetite.
- Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
PTSD is a mental condition/disorder that occur in people who have gone through a traumatic or terrifying event such as sexual assault, death of a loved one, etc. which is often characterized by nightmares, fearful thoughts, phobias, anxiety, aggression, inability to sleep well, hypersensitivity to dangers among others. The moderate usage of cannabis is of great usefulness in the treatment of PTSD, as it has proven to help regulate the system that causes tension and fear in the body and brain and also helps in aiding a night of better sleep, thereby preventing nightmares.
- It helps improve skin conditions
Skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, etc. can be made better using cannabis. The cannabinoids in cannabis have anti-inflammatory properties that help in the treatment of various skin conditions.
- For revitalization
Are you physically or mentally stressed after the day’s work? Try using cannabis. As it helps boost one’s energy, which can, in turn, enhance productivity. It is pertinent to note that the intake of cannabis shouldn’t be in excess.
- Help relieve pain in sclerosis patients
Cannabis does a lot of work in relieving pains resulting from multiple sclerosis (the abnormal hardening of body issues). The tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) present in cannabis plants helps in relieving pains in the nerves and muscles.
- Help in reducing migraine attacks
Migraine is a severe headache that usually affects one side of the head. This intense headache comes with nausea, vomiting, vision disturbances, and sensitivity to light and sound. As severe as migraine is, the use of cannabis can help in reducing the intensity and frequency. All thanks to the cannabinoids present in marijuana with its analgesic properties.
- Reduces seizures in epileptic patients
Epilepsy is a medical condition in which the sufferer experiences seizures/convulsions and blackouts due to the disturbances of the nerve cell activity in the brain. The recurrent seizure experienced by an epileptic patient experiences a downward turn with the use of cannabis.
Research has shown that the use of cannabis in reducing seizures in epileptic patients has gained more grounds because some epileptic patients have what is called drug-resistant epilepsy. In other words, their episodes of seizures cannot be controlled even with the use of anti-epileptic medications. Thus, cannabis becomes a better option for the reduction of the seizure because of the anticonvulsants properties in cannabinoids.
- Minimizes tremor associated with levodopa
Just as chemotherapy is used to manage cancer patients, levodopa is also the main medication used in the management and treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD). Parkinson’s disease is a serious neurological disorder that affects the motor system leading to a lack of control over movement, poor balance, etc. PD has been said to have no cure but can be managed with levodopa, though this medication comes with certain adverse effects such as tremors. Based on research, marijuana can help to decrease the tremors associated with levodopa in PD patients.
- It aids in lowering blood pressure
Aside from the ‘calming’ effect cannabis has on people suffering from anxiety, It also has a ‘calming’ effect on the blood pressure of hypertensive patients. The THC found in cannabis helps in alleviating some symptoms associated with high blood pressure such as dizziness, headache, blurry vision, etc., thereby keeping the blood pressure at a healthy level.
- It acts as a sexual enhancer
Are you surprised? Oh yes! Marijuana is a very potent tool in increasing libido and potency, heightening your sensitivity and making you reach orgasm most satisfyingly. But it should not be taken in excess. Otherwise, it may produce a decrease in libido.
In conclusion, research has proven that the benefits of cannabis are inexhaustible but to harness these benefits; one’s intake of marijuana should be regulated, that is, in moderate proportion else it will become detrimental to the health of the consumer.