While some take out student loans or start an extra job to pay for their university degree or lavish lifestyles, some young women have opted for a less traditional arrangement.
Sydney University veterinary science student, Jessica*, was scrolling through Facebook one day when she saw a video about Seeking Arrangement – a Sugar Baby/Sugar Daddy dating site – and signed up.
Now a year into two ‘Sugar’ relationships, the 20-year-old is enjoying regular dinners, lavish gifts, overseas holidays, a paid tuition and monthly payments of $5,000.
‘At first I clicked on the site out of curiosity but instantly I was intrigued by what some of the college Sugar Babies had to say about their “Sugar lifestyle” and how their “Daddies” would offer to pay off their tuition and rent as well as buy them lavish gifts,’ Jessica told FEMAIL.
Sydney University veterinary science student, Jessica (pictured), was scrolling through Facebook when she saw a video about Seeking Arrangement – a Sugar Baby/Daddy dating site
‘Being a student myself, the idea just seemed appealing to me and so I signed up from there.’
I get a lot of lingerie, make up, heels and clothes so that I can have something to wear while I’m with them.
The Australian-Vietnamese student, who is a cheerleading and music coach, says while she did have to filter through some unwanted messages from men, after a few months she found two trustworthy Daddies.
‘Everyone is different and some men don’t understand what it means to be a “Sugar Daddy”. At first, I had a lot of messages coming through asking for “NSA fun in PPM form” which means no strings attached fun in pay per meet form,’ Jessica said.
‘In Seeking Arrangement this is a big no-no. We don’t allow PPM as sugar babies are not escorts; we’re here to form long-term relationships and we want to make sure our allowances are regular and consistent.

‘One of my “Daddies” lives interstate so I actually don’t get to see him that much except for the occasional trips to each other’s cities,’ Jessica, who has two Daddies aged 27 and 40, said
‘I would say it took me a few months of sugar dating to understand what I was looking for so I could be more selective about who I wanted to be in an arrangement with. ‘
Jessica currently has two Daddies aged 27 and 40.
‘From what I’ve gathered, they’re on the site because being successful business owners/CEO’s etc. they don’t have a lot of time left for traditional dating so they need someone who won’t be too reliant or needy on having to see them all the time,’ Jessica said.
‘One of my “Daddies” lives interstate so I actually don’t get to see him that much except for the occasional trips to each other’s cities.

‘He gives me an allowance of roughly $4,000 to $5,000 a month. The beauty of these arrangements is that you don’t have to sleep with your Sugar Daddy if you don’t want to. You set the terms and conditions,’ Jessica said (pictured are Louboutins she was gifted)

In addition to having her tuition paid off and an allowance, Jessica enjoys many lavish gifts like designer bags (pictured)
‘He doesn’t give me an allowance but instead pays for my tuition and extracurricular activities and likes to spoil me with gifts from time to time. We talk everyday and we’re very comfortable around each other.’
The other Sugar Daddy Jessica meets up with for dinner once a week and she attends his business events as a date.
‘He gives me an allowance of roughly $4,000 to $5,000 a month. The beauty of these arrangements is that you don’t have to sleep with your Sugar Daddy if you don’t want to. You set the terms and conditions,’ Jessica said.
In addition to having her tuition paid off and an allowance, Jessica enjoys many lavish gifts.

‘I also get a lot of lingerie, make up, heels and clothes so that I can have something to wear while I’m with them,’ she said
‘I’m actually about to go on a trip to Hawaii with one of my Sugar Daddies so getting the opportunity to travel would be one of the more extravagant gifts I’ve received,’ she said.
The Baby should take care of her Daddy and make sure that he’s happy with her companionship.
‘I also get a lot of lingerie, make up, heels and clothes so that I can have something to wear while I’m with them.’
When it comes to intimacy, Jessica says it is ‘eventually on the cards’.
‘Being a girl, I feel like you’re constantly getting pressured into being intimate and that is where I draw the line and understand the difference between a “Sugar Daddy” and a “Salt Daddy”,’ Jessica said, who is free to see other men in her spare time.

‘Sugar Daddies should be gentlemen and should want to invest in their Babies’ futures. You don’t have to sleep with them if you don’t want to but I feel that’s on the cards eventually,’ Jessica (not pictured) said
‘Sugar Daddies should be gentlemen and should want to invest in their Babies’ futures. You don’t have to sleep with them if you don’t want to but I feel that’s on the cards eventually.
‘The expectation in return is that the Baby should take care of her Daddy and make sure that he’s happy with her companionship.’
Jessica said she has had no bad experiences other than a few ‘awkward’ dates and is pleased with the financial freedom the arrangements have offered her – but doesn’t see it as a permanent situation.
‘My part-time jobs make enough to cover what I need for day-to-day living but the arrangements have helped me save up a lot more for myself and I have the luxury to do things I normally would never be able to do like fine dining and travel,’ she said.

‘The expectation in return is that the Baby should take care of her Daddy and make sure that he’s happy with her companionship,’ Jessica (not pictured) said
‘I’m certain this is temporary and it won’t permanent thing. I think I’ll continue “Sugaring” for a few more years until I’ve finished my degree and have settled into a full-time job but for now, I’m really young and I don’t see myself leaving the Sugar bowl just yet.’
For women looking to sign up, Jessica stressed the importance of prioritising education.
‘From my experience, Daddies love an intelligent Baby and if they can see you are driven, they find it an extremely attractive quality,’ she said.
‘Also, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there! I’m someone who likes to make the first move so if I see a profile I like, I’ll send them a quick message introducing myself and seeing if we’re able to click.’

Jessica is not alone, with the number of young adults seeking a higher education increasing exponentially in recent years
Jessica is not alone, with the number of young adults seeking a higher education increasing exponentially in recent years.
One hundred thousand Australian students are now turning to Sugar Daddies to ease that burden and in Seeking Arrangement’s annual report, they revealed that Sugar Babies in Australia are receiving an average monthly allowance of $2,900.
The fastest growing universities in terms of sign ups to the site in 2018 are Deakin University, Griffith University, Macquarie University and Monash University.
*Name has been changed