4 Features That Will Set Your Custom Sauce Apart From the Rest

Congratulations on coming up with an idea for a sauce that’s sure to attract attention. As you prepare to create custom hot sauce options, remember that certain qualities and features will help you build the type of reputation that keeps you in front of consumers for a long time. With help from the right sauce manufacturer, it’s possible to build the brand and become a key player in the market. Keep these four specifics in mind and finding success will be a little easier.

A Distinctive Yet Familiar Taste

There’s a fine line that you will need to walk as the owner of those private-label sauces. On the one hand, the taste has to be similar enough to other brands for consumers to recognize it. At the same time, you want to offer something that’s a little different from what other manufacturers are offering.

This typically boils down to the inclusion of some secret ingredient that’s rarely if ever found in other brands. Before you jump in with that one special ingredient, do some market testing first. If the results indicate that people are likely to find it appealing enough to choose your sauce over a similar product, you’ve found the right niche. If not, try other ingredients until you hit on the right combination.

Packaging That’s a Little Different But Still Convenient

When your product hits the market, there must be some visual elements that make it stand out from other sauces found on the shelves. Fortunately, many private label sauce manufacturers offer their customers a multiplicity of packaging options. Opting for one that’s a little different from what others are using could be just what you need to catch the eyes of consumers.

Keep in mind that the packaging still needs to be convenient for consumers to buy and store. That means using containers that fit well on refrigerator and pantry shelves. Anything too tall is out since no one likes to spend time trying to deal with a container that doesn’t seem to fit anywhere.

A Price Point That Consumers Find Appealing

Pricing is a key element when it comes to marketing a sauce. The goal is to net some profit off each unit sold while also offering the sauce at a price that consumers find reasonable. You can get some cues from what similar sauces sell for in most outlets. There’s also the possibility of getting some recommendations from the sauce manufacturer.

Remember that competing solely on unit price is never a good idea. You do want other qualities to stand out to the consumer. Even so, you do want the price for your Giraffe Foods Inc private label BBQ sauce to be a plus for the consumer. Consider your price point carefully and it will help attract more positive attention.

Consistency in the Quality

One of the challenges with private label BBQ sauce that is produced by a partner is maintaining the taste and quality from one batch to the next. You’ll find that the better sauce manufacturers have processes designed to guarantee both qualities remain the same over time. That’s important since consumers expect the product to be the same every time they buy it.

Choose your partner for custom sauces well and much of what you have to consider will be easier to achieve. From the pricing to consistency in the taste and general quality, you can rest assured that your sauce is sure to keep the client base and even allow it to expand over time.