According to IT resume writing services review, part-time jobs have become an effective way for employers to retain valued staffers who may not want or have no possibility to work the whole time. Inconsistent hours and fewer responsibilities of part-time roles are going mainstream, enlarging the gig economy opportinties and attracting more applicants from a wider employment pool.
If a full-time job means nothing but increased work-related stress and hard work-life balance, it’s high time for refining your resume with and considering the dividends the partial work brings in.
Let’s analyze in what way working fewer and getting a flexible schedule can enhance our productivity and lifestyle.
#1. You Get Extra Time to Realize the Dreams
When you work on a part-time basis, you get the added time and more energy. This allows you to take care of many other areas of your life and cultivate balance, leading a stress-free lifestyle. You still have a desire to get engaged in extracurricular activities and good odds to realize everything you dream about.
As a part-timer, you are flexible to climb up the ladder within the field or to acquire another profession for a career shift. Either you need a graduate degree, academic credentials, a license, or certification for your plans, you can obtain everything right on the job. Taking part in special projects, starting your business, getting a smoother transition into retirement; you are free to choose responsibilities, interests, hobbies.
#2. The Odds to Land a Dream Job Rise
If you want to work in a certain company but all the full-time slots are engaged, a part-time job offer is a viable alternative. You may take it to wait out until moving into the industry full time and use the extra time for building useful networking contacts. Employers consider a part-timer’s candidacy as the most obvious one when the full-time position becomes available.
You can explore different career options on a slower schedule to choose the one you dream of. College students can also find something aligned with their major without having their degree in hand. Partial employment is great when you need to gain valuable skills, experience, and training for an unfamiliar activity or learn a totally new trade. The enthusiasm will get you noticed and make the employer assign you to a full-time role.
#3. You Can Earn More
As absurdly as it may sound, part-time engagement sometimes happens to be more rewarding than traditional 50-60 hours per week. You can increase your income by multiplying working hours and balancing several part-time jobs.
For instance, an employer who combines the gigs of 30 and 20 hours per week respectively earns more than a single full-time role provides. Moreover, this person works fewer total hours than traditional employment demands.
#4. You Spend Less on Transport
Beyond less predictable income, one of the advantages of flexible working is lower transportation costs. Working not far away from home saves a significant amount of regular transportation expenses, including gas and car maintenance costs. The monthly insurance premium directly correlates with the miles your car has driven, so you can shave several dollars regularly.
#5. You Put Family Needs Prior to Anything Else
A part-time work schedule makes it easier to combine employment with care for the family that may include looking after elderly family members. Beyond a limited availability of childcare services, this is an alternative option to save on care expenses. You can stay in the workforce, while nursing your children, or picking them up from school by yourself. That is the reason why partial work is great for family-oriented individuals.
In Summary
Despite the absence of common perks, such as retirement plans or health insurance, the number of job descriptions where employees are supposed to work fewer than 30 hours per week tends to rise. Many of those, who commence this kind of employment, expect it to be transitory. After they feel the convenience of caring for young children, studying, or trying something new, they continue to enjoy the benefits of spare time in the long run.
A part-time work arrangement is a family-friendly option, that shows a higher job satisfaction level of employees. It has the good potential to enhance the working life of staff. Part-timers keep up-to-date with hitting the gym, getting good sleep, raising the children, and completing daily tasks. They generally lead a healthier lifestyle and have fewer stress factors, scheduling their routine in a more effective way than traditional arrangement allows.