Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD affects millions worldwide. It can create problems in all areas of their lives, from school to socialization. Simply speaking, everything can seem overwhelming for them.
Plus, symptoms like disorganization, short attention span, and poor concentration may lead to impulsive behavior and anger management issues.
This lack of focus can be crippling, but there are a few steps that adults with ADHD can take to find focus and sustain it.
Check out the five focus-boosting tips below!
Take The Right ADHD Stimulant Medications
Stimulant medications are a vital component of ADHD treatment. It can provide immediate relief and effects from harrowing ADHD symptoms, particularly difficulty focussing and concentrating. In addition, stimulants have a calming and relaxing effect on people with ADHD.
They’re an effective way to stay focused and be productive while working or completing tasks that require concentration. Plenty of stimulants are available: long-acting, intermediate-acting, and short-acting. Common stimulants include:
- Vyvanse (long-acting)
- Adderall (intermediate-acting)
- Focalin (short-acting)
- Concerta (long-acting)
- Ritalin (short-acting)
Short-acting stimulants are typically taken at least three times a day. On the other hand, long-acting stimulants just once a day.
Ensure to consult your doctor before deciding which medication is best for you. For example, if you’re contemplating between Vyvanse vs Adderall, the doctor can thoroughly explain their differences and help you decide what’s right for you.
Set Deadlines
People with ADHD can easily get distracted by other things, making completing a task challenging. One way to overcome this is to give yourself deadlines. For instance, if you have an essay due in three weeks, set reminders every few days or so until the essay is due.
You could also use your phone’s calendar or set up alerts on your computer to remind you when you need to work on the essay.
Another example is if you get assigned a project at work that needs to be completed in two weeks, set milestones every week so that you’re not spending all your time working on it during the last week.
If you know that specific tasks require more focus than others and are due soon, put them at the top of your list. Similarly, consider starting projects that require more focus early in the day rather than late in the evening.
Write Notes
Writing notes is also a great way to remind yourself of what you need to do. You can put them in different places around your house, on your desk at work, or even in your car.
For example, a note can remind you to pay your bills, pack your lunch for the next day, or take out the trash.
When you write down tasks like these, it’s easier to remember because you’re not just thinking about it-you’re seeing it written down. So, buy yourself some sticky notes and start writing!
Please put them in places where you’ll see them all the time, so they become a part of your everyday life.
Make Use of Hand-held Fidgets
People with ADHD often lose focus because they find it hard to stay still.
For example, sitting at a desk or table and not moving can be pretty challenging. Fortunately, there are objects or items that adults with ADHD can use to help keep their hands busy while sitting in one place, such as fidget spinners.
Fidget spinners have a small wheel that spins freely, so the user can fidget by spinning the wheel in different directions or just holding onto the device. There are other hand-held fidgets, too, like fidget cubes with buttons on all six sides of the cube that people can press or flip around with their fingers.
Stress balls are another way for adults with ADHD to release stress by squeezing or tossing the ball into the air and catching it again. Even pen and paper provide good tools for those who need to scribble something down when an idea pops into their head.
Repeat Anchor Phrases or Words
Anchor phrases or words can help people with ADHD to refocus their attention on what’s important.
They serve as a reminder to stay on task and maintain focus. For example, the word “bills” will remind you of all the bills that need to be paid, which may make it easier to resist doing something else.
Or, if you’re working on a project, anchor words like next, then, and finally will help you plan out your tasks in order. The key here is to create a phrase that you’ll often use, so it has an association with the task at hand. ​
Finding focus can be difficult with ADHD. It’s essential to find a process that works best for you and continue to refine it over time. The best way to improve your attention span is by practicing regularly.
Don’t be discouraged if it takes some time, but eventually, you will start noticing improvements in your ability to maintain focus!