The practice of sports activities brings with it a series of very good benefits for the development of children. In fact, the exercise contributes to establishing a mental well – being, improving the autonomy of the individual, the memory, the speed of ideas, and so on.
The above should be taken advantage of at the age of 6 to 12 years since it is at this stage that children can define their interests, tastes, and hobbies for a sport.
Sport is not only a good way for children to do physical activities, but it is also a good educational tool. And this doesn’t only apply to boys as society makes us feel so, but also with girls mostly told to play with their realistic reborn baby dolls like the ones you can find when you click here.
Compiling expert opinions on the subject, there are 5 sports that are ideal for children of this age, and that serve a lot for their development, among which are:
- Athletics
It is a complete sport that may include running, jumping, or throwing. Depending on one or the other, the age of initiation may vary. It has similarities with cycling since it also favors coordination and resistance.
- Basketball
Being a team sport, basketball encourages sociability, ideal for shy children. Furthermore, the game’s own dynamics teach children to act quickly, to make decisions, and to solve problem situations.
- Football
It is an activity that provides benefits for the health and emotional development of the children who practice it since it helps them acquire discipline, organization, and concentration.
- American Football
American football is an impact sport and is characterized by being explosive, with great strength and speed, individual and group coordination, precision, and reaction capacity.
- Tae Kwon Do or Judo
Tae Kwon Do is very beneficial for coordination, discipline, self-esteem, and the relationship with other children.
Benefits of Sports and Other Physical Activities
Teaching children to practice regular physical exercise from an early age, not only supports their physical and cognitive development but gives them other important benefits to short, medium, and long term. There is no doubt that children who practice some type of sport are generally healthier, happier, and have better academic performance.
Here are some of the benefits of sports and physical exercises:
- If they play sports, they learn to follow rules and create habits.
- They socialize and improve their relationship skills.
- They increase their motor skills.
- It favors their physical development, with the growth of their bones and muscles.
- Some physical defects can be corrected.
- They sleep better.
- It takes them away from a sedentary lifestyle, reducing the time they spend on television and video games.
- They are healthier, as regular physical exercise provides the same benefits for the body as for adults.
The parents’ responsibility is to motivate them from a very young age, even from the age of two, playing with them, teaching them to know some sports and practicing them together. Later they will be the ones who choose which one they like the most. The important thing is that they grow up with the concern to carry out some physical activity and, if it is with other children, better.
There is no one sport better than another. The important thing is that the child feels comfortable and has fun with the one he has chosen, although for the parents it involves the effort of taking them and accompanying them to the place where they practice it. In this sense, it is important that the practice of a sport is supervised by a specialist (coach or teacher) in order to set its limits and avoid excesses that could be harmful.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends one hour of moderate physical exercise per day for children between 5 and 17 years old, but it also points out that increasing the time spent practicing it only provides benefits for their health. In the smallest, aerobic sports are the most appropriate, since it helps them develop their coordination, elasticity, balance, and sense of rhythm (martial arts, bike rides, games in the park, excursions, etc.).
Sport is not only a good way for children to carry out physical activities, but it is also a good educational tool. In addition, it teaches children rules, which they later incorporate into their routine and apply at home or at school. The practice of sports, either individually or in groups, helps transmit values such as camaraderie and respect, essential principles for the proper development of a child.