5 Steps to Create a Shopify Successful Web Design

At present it is completely necessary that a company or brand have a web page, whether your business is established or in a startup stage. The correct use of the different elements of the pages will ensure that you receive many visits and that more sales take shape as the development of it grows on the web. Among the different features that are necessary to start creating your Shopify website, “Eventige Media Group” Shopify Web Design Agency will present the most important aspects. These are 5 steps to create and design a successful website from scratch:

The Target Audience must be Defined

To start, any type of project is necessary to know how to define the group of people to whom we want to offer our products and / or services (age, sex, tastes, lifestyle, culture and even place of residence). When creating a web page, this is no different. Everything on the page must be focused on satisfying the needs of the customers. For example, if our audience is teenagers, our website has to be dynamic, have less text and more visual content. Because, millennials are people who have no reading practice. But, if our website will be focused on a young adult audience of approximately 25 to 35 years, our content should have more professional and serious information.

Select the Best Hosting Service

On the Internet we can find many hosting services, and we will probably end up choosing the one that best suits us, although it is always good to have some references. Next, we will present the 5 best hosting to host a website: Webempresa, Hostgator, iPage, Arsys, GoDaddy, SiteGround, etc. The main features that they must offer, in order to decide for one, is that they have large storage or transfer capacity, data security, so that your content is not in danger of being low; good technical support in Spanish and 24 hours a day; navigation speed, which makes visits of your users more enjoyable and a scalable infrastructure, which allows you to add more RAM if necessary.

Design your Website with Meaning

This feature has to meet the objective of facilitating the way in which people use a tool, in this case browse your website, only experts of “Eventige Media Group” Shopify Web Design Agency can do this. In this sense, we could consider several factors that define the meaning of your website, one of them is that the design must cooperate with the information, rather than compete with it. This will make when the user reaches our page act quickly and intuitively, without having to stop to understand how the platform works. In addition, the visual design of our website, such as the use of corporate logos and colors, should be used to improve the experience and not to define the interaction. Other elements, relevant to designing a website with a good interface, are the content areas, the areas of interaction and a great user experience.

Upload only Quality Content

The characteristics of a quality content can be divided into 5 variables: it must be found, readable, understandable, sharable and actionable. In addition, it is preferable that the information comes from own sources and is not repetitive. That is, that your page offers different information than what can be found on other websites.


For information to be found, it must have H1 tags for the title and at least two H2 tags, containing the search engine keyword (s). In addition, it is a good practice for our articles to redirect, through links, to other content with related information.


The text must have images between paragraphs that explain the information in an illustrated way to make it more understandable to the user. The use of lists of points or subtitles listed also helps the readability of the content.


The information we provide should provoke some emotion in the readers. You must prompt the user or have specific reasons to be shared. One recommendation is that you customize your content for some social network using, for example, hashtags.

Create forms to Obtain Data

Web forms are mechanisms that will help you obtain useful data from people who visit your website. Among the uses we can give you are contact forms, satisfaction surveys, online reservations, support requests, event registrations and mailing lists. One of the advantages is that the design of these can be adapted to any type of web page, since they are customizable in color, background, typography and text. In addition, all users who register on the forms will generate a database that, in some cases, is sent to an email, which you have provided, a real-time report that allows you to view the recorded data.

Perform Function Tests

Testing the operation of your website is important to detect errors within it and correct them. For example, we can detect the negative and positive effects of variations to know their performance and optimization, verify the loading time of the page, images and multimedia files; Check that the links are functioning correctly, check their compatibility with other browsers and check that the display on mobile devices is correct.

Implement Google Analytics and Measure the Interaction

This last step is vital for the growth of your page, the tools offered by Google Analytics will give you a detailed result regarding all the traffic that your website has had in a certain period of time. The functions that Analytics has measure the performance of the content, the interaction on your website and your social networks, the impact or number of mobile phone visits on your page and the analysis of the conversions; that is, how many users it attracts and how many it sells.

While it is true, these steps could help you, it is always good to be updated. Therefore, we recommend you enroll in a Web Design Course, where you will learn to design competitive websites, and structure it using images, hyperlinks / links, menus and tables.