5 Tips for Smoking Cannabis for the First Time

These days, cannabis is continuously being reevaluated culturally and legally after it’s been regarded as an illegal and abused substance for years. Whether it’s medicinal or recreational, more and more people are getting to use this herb without fear of breaking the law, in specific states at least.

However, that doesn’t mean that you should dive into it. There are still things you need to know before you start smoking. In this article, we’ll cover a few tips that all first-timers should know.

Keep your schedule clear

If you’re smoking cannabis for the first time, there’s a good chance that you’ll be able to be productive for the day.

Even if you’re able to stay awake, you may feel heavy-bodied. Therefore, it makes sense to keep your schedule clear and ensure that you’re in an environment that promotes calmness. In this way, you’ll be able to relax and enjoy it as it was intended.

Have all supplies on hand

It would be best if you had more than cannabis to smoke the buds.

You’ll also need your preferred blunt wraps or flavored rolling papers. Don’t be tempted to use regular paper as it not only won’t burn quicker, but it could potentially release chemicals that could be harmful to your health.

Having a grinder on hand can also be helpful since breaking the buds apart using your hands can be a messy and wasteful affair.

Take it easy

It’s never a good idea to smoke too much cannabis, especially for first-timers.

After all, you may get more than the high you’re looking for and ruin the experience before you’ve even begun. Instead, start small and pace yourself. In other words, ease into the activity.

Doing so will allow you to get used to the effects and sensations following the hit to maximize relaxation.

Smoke with people you trust

Whether you’re smoking with blunt wrap flavors or paper rolls, it’s never a good idea to do it with people you don’t know.

However, if you find yourself with strangers, always follow the rule that if you don’t know the cannabis strain used or didn’t see how it was rolled, don’t smoke it. Nobody wants to get hit hard around an unfamiliar crowd and environment.

Conduct research

Due diligence is a necessity when it comes to activities like smoking cannabis.

So always research first before you purchase herbs and rolling paper. Doing so will allow you to determine whether or not the products are of high quality and avoid those that may be potentially harmful.

It may sound like a lot of additional work that you would rather be without, but it will make a difference.


The recreational consumption of cannabis can lead to a good time.

However, much like anything else, it’s best to do it right from the outset. So make sure that you follow all of the tips listed in this article. They will help you make the most of the smoking experience safely.