5 tricks for Youtube channels with low engagement rates

Video marketing has been on a rise and there’s no better platform than YouTube to kick start your journey. Growing on YouTube can feel like a grind with so many creators with similar ideas, however, you get an edge as YouTube has a limited marketers’ crowd compared to other social media platforms.

Although many marketers suggest simply searching for the best sites to buy YouTube subscribers, we’re here to tell you that it’s possible to grow organically! For newbies or YouTube channels with low engagement rates, we’ve uncovered 5 tricks that can help you increase engagement on YouTube.

Nail your thumbnail, tilt your title

Without a doubt, your thumbnail image and video title can make or break the success of your YouTube video. Because everyone’s eyes are naturally drawn to appealing and aesthetic images, optimizing your thumbnail image is of utmost essence. Your thumbnail should meet the given factors to make it complete: an accurate portrayal of your video, appeal to emotions, and thumb-stopping visuals.

So use a high-resolution image (ideally of 1280 X 720 pixels) that consists of a catchy and bold text to intrigue interest. Try to use bright backgrounds, high contrast effects, strong emotions, outlines, and a watermark to represent your personal branding.

A long title can often make people lose interest, and short click baits can lead to a high drop-off rate. So the trick to creating the perfect video title lies in its authenticity and crispness. Once you’re done with your thumbnail and title curation: ask yourself if it justifies your video and intrigues interest.

Keep your videos short, with a hook

If you want to be in the good books of your audience and high ranking of YouTube, work on your retention time. It has become challenging to increase the retention rate with the decreasing attention span of humans. So to make sure your viewers don’t leave your videos in between, keep your videos short.

Don’t waste the initial seconds of your video on promoting your product, instead, get yourself a unique hook that can grab the attention of your target audience. If you want to increase engagement on YouTube, be as trendy and relevant as possible. And make sure to weave a consistent and interesting narrative in all your videos that represent your personality.

According to social media expert, Gary Vaynerchuk, sharing personal stories is a great way to keep your viewers interested. Make sure to save your promotional content until the very end and use compelling CTAs for the final touch.

Give engagement to get engagement

Although YouTube is largely a search engine, don’t underestimate the ‘social’ aspect of the platform. Sure, you can search for the best sites to buy real YouTube subscribers, but you’ll still need to build a loyal community to stay in the game for the long run. Try to engage with your subscribers and foster long-lasting relationships to cultivate relationships with your audience.

Like and respond to people’s comments, comment on other creators’ videos, and don’t hesitate in going the extra mile by connecting with your community on Instagram. You can also engage and interact with other YouTube influencers to tap into their horde of subscribers and drive them towards your platform to increase your engagement on YouTube.

It’s time for a giveaway

If there’s one thing that everyone loves, it’s a YouTube giveaway! Giveaways are a great source of some instant dose of engagement and subscribers. You can keep your contest simple by asking your audience to like and comment on your video, and subscribe to your channel to enter the contest.

It’s better to spend your bucks on some freebie items and gain some long-term subscribers than to spend on the best sites to buy YouTube subscribers and notice drop-offs. To make sure that you attract only a targeted audience, try to think of creative giveaways based on user-generated content.

Make sure that you go all out on the marketing of your giveaway announcement video to increase engagement on YouTube. It’s important to create hype to get maximum visibility and reach. Partnering your giveaway with a renowned brand or a YouTube influencer can further help you shoot up your engagements.

Keyword optimization and cross-promotions

Here’s some food for thought: YouTube is the second widely used search engine after Google. So if you want to optimize your video to increase engagement on YouTube, don’t limit your SEO practices to Google. Moreover, YouTube videos are also known to come up in Google search results, provided one uses relevant keywords.

So look for the most trending SEO-optimized keywords and insert them in your title, channel description, video description, and video tags. The need for marketing and promotions remains constant through all platforms, including YouTube. You don’t need to spend your time looking for the best sites to buy YouTube subscribers to reach your goal, simply redirect your efforts to ineffective marketing.

So whenever you post a new video, alert your social media communities about it. Even better, you can post interesting teasers and sneak peeks beforehand to intrigue interest and ignite curiosity amongst your followers. Email marketing and embedding videos in blogs are more effective ways to gain visibility.


Now that you know the best tricks to increase engagement on YouTube, implement them in your strategy to ramp up your presence and notice real YouTube growth.  Happy hustling!