6 Signs You Have a Strong Car Accident Claim

Many accidents have many different outcomes. Sometimes you’re lucky, and others you’re not. Claiming that you had a good car accident is more than just saying you fared better than the other driver.

Making a strong claim is key to effectively recovering the cost of your damages from the insurance company. Here are five signs that show you have a strong car accident claim.

1. Documented the Accident Scene

This may be a bit of an obvious one, but you have to document the accident scene.

Attorney Todd A Kawecki emphasizes that this is especially important if you are dealing with a minor collision.

Ensure you get all the information from the other driver about their insurance company and any witnesses to the accident that may know more about who was at fault.

2. You Didn’t Cause the Accident

You need to prove that you didn’t cause the accident. If you did cause the accident, you run into a few problems.

Some states have a statute of limitations for filing a claim.

You will likely lose this period, which may be crucial to your case. You also risk being charged with fraud if you are accused of purposely causing the accident to collect damages from your insurance company.

3. Called the Police

If someone is hurt in the accident or if you are concerned about the other driver’s ability to drive, you should call the police. Doing this means you have a third party who can help you with the accident scene in case of any concerns.

The police officer can also ensure that all parties involved are alright.

4. Received Medical Treatment

You should receive medical treatment at the hospital if you have broken bones, a concussion, or any other type of serious injury.

While this may not seem crucial to the case, showing you sought help for your injuries will show that you weren’t willing to put yourself in harm’s way without receiving any treatment.

5. There Are Statements from Witnesses

You want to get statements from eyewitnesses that may have seen the accident happen.

Refuting any information from the other driver’s insurance company or witness is key in your case. By getting their testimony, you will have the facts for your case and won’t need to rely heavily on the other driver’s statement.

6. Not Provided a Recorded Statement to the Insurance Company

This is an important one. Seva Law Firm wrote a dissertation on finding a personal injury attorney in Detroit.

In this document, they emphasize this point: You don’t want to mistake providing a recorded statement to the insurance company. This is because once a statement is recorded, you can no longer alter or take it back.

If you have any statements from witnesses or other parties that refute any information from the other driver, provide this to your insurance company and make sure they are aware of its existence.


A strong car accident claim requires more than just making a statement about how little damage you received in the accident. It takes time and preparation to create the best possible claim for your damages.

With strong documentation of the accident scene, getting medical attention for your injuries, ensuring there are witness statements, and being careful not to make recorded statements to the insurance company, you can be sure that your claim is up to par with others.