6 tips to succeed in Advanced Placement (AP) exams

With the advanced placement exams scheduled in May of 2021, most students and parents must be quite frantic and tense to do well in these exams as it can have a great impact on the rest of their lives. With the tests nearing and the clock ticking so quickly, you won’t have second thoughts when preparing for the test, so read this article to gain some insight on how you can land your desired college with the added bonuses of the Advanced Placement program.

What is the Advanced Placement Program and who conducts it?

The advanced placement program consists of several college-level courses. These constitute over 30 different subjects and are a great way to improve your chances to get into the college of your dreams and add value to your resume. These also help improve your application for tuition waivers and other aids for education.

The AP Program is conducted by the College Board and the course as well as examination is made by college professors and members of the College Board. It is well renowned as one of the best ways to get called or recognized by the Ivy leagues or other important institutions.

Attending one of these programs and getting into them are two entirely different things in terms of difficulty. Even as multitudes of students attend the AP programs every year, barely a quarter of them manage to get through with grades above 3. Among those most schools generally, give an AP certification only to those students with a grade over 4, so how do you enter this minority?

Here’s how. With the help of these 6 tricks stated under you will definitely be able to crack the AP exam with ease:

  • Know your strengths and weaknesses:

Having a good understanding of where your strengths and weaknesses lie in every concept can greatly affect the output of each study session as well as ensure that you are covering all the required topics without error.

Keep a list of those concepts which you have a handle on and those where you’re struggling. This will ensure a quick development and simplified study patterns where you can complete the syllabus and go through it once or more.

  • Having a fixed schedule:

Having a schedule for every day will help you concentrate on the more important activities while ensuring you have enough time for food, school, play and rest.

Almost all students preparing for an exam create a schedule before they do anything else. They prepare specific times for bathing, sleeping and playing, thus ensuring that they have a clear cut study time.

You could also take the extra step to ensure that they divide this time amongst several topics to ensure a well distributed study pattern.

  • Getting the help of external Coaching:

When applying for the advanced placement exam, you might struggle with certain concepts and not find the time at school to clarify said concepts or doubts. This is where coaching institutes or private tutors will come in handy by ensuring that you have a broad and clear knowledge of these subjects and clarify each and every doubt individually ensuring that you get the attention you deserve to get a perfect score in any subject.

  • Being aware of the pattern:

When writing a test it is essential that you keep in mind the pattern of the questions and duration of the test and be ready to write the test for that many hours.

Being well prepared is not going to hurt.

  • Take breaks:

One thing often neglected is the importance of taking a break now and again.

It is recommended to follow the pomodoro method of doing 25-30 mins of study for a 5-minute break to maximise efficiency.

This method is said to be effective at long-term concentration.

  • Don’t neglect schoolwork:

Often, schoolwork is neglected to exert more in Advanced Placement. However, doing so will affect both your school performance as well as your AP’s as the combined load at the end of the year will place a lot of stress upon you.

The AP’s are no doubt an important exam in the lives of any student but remember not to compromise your health while working hard.