Sophie Cachia moment baby son suffered allergic reaction

A young mother has spoken out about the terrifying moment her toddler son suffered a life-threatening allergy to walnuts.

Sophie Cachia, who blogs under The Young Mummy, said she was home with her son Bobby when she whipped up ravioli with pre-made walnut pasta sauce in 2016.

Casting doubt as she prepared dinner, the now 26-year-old Melbourne mother asked herself whether her baby boy had tried walnuts before this meal.

Sophie Cachia (pictured) has spoken out about the terrifying moment her toddler son Bobby suffered a life-threatening allergy to walnuts.

The family now carry around an epipen wherever they go to help reduce any severe allergy symptoms (pictured husband Jaryd holding Florence who was born after the ordeal, little Bobby now aged three and mother Sophie)

The family now carry around an epipen wherever they go to help reduce any severe allergy symptoms (pictured husband Jaryd holding Florence who was born after the ordeal, little Bobby now aged three and mother Sophie)

Writing for Wattle Health, Sophie said her concerns were ‘quickly brushed off’ after realising her son, who nearly turned two at the time, ‘had just about tried every food and had no allergies’.

Sophie explained Bobby had already eaten peanuts, almonds and pine nuts so she thought he was likely to encounter ‘at least a trace of walnuts in something before’.

Without another thought, she served her son dinner.

The first signs of the allergic reaction started when Bobby ate a spoonful of sauce after spilling the food on his forearm.

As she cleaned up the spillage, she assumed the red mark she noticed on his arm was from the heat.

‘”YIKES! How hot did I make that sauce?”. I was absolutely positive I had tested it and it was ok. Thinking I was the worst Mum ever for allowing my son to burn himself, I quickly cleaned him up,’ she recalled.

Sophie explained Bobby had already eaten peanuts, almonds and pine nuts so she thought he was likely to encounter 'at least a trace of walnuts in something before'

Sophie explained Bobby had already eaten peanuts, almonds and pine nuts so she thought he was likely to encounter ‘at least a trace of walnuts in something before’

Sophie said her concerns were 'quickly brushed off' after realising her son, who nearly turned two at the time, 'had just about tried every food and had no allergies'

Sophie said her concerns were ‘quickly brushed off’ after realising her son, who nearly turned two at the time, ‘had just about tried every food and had no allergies’

But just seconds later, things took a turn for the worse when ‘hives’ started spreading all over his face and body.

‘His mouth started to bubble and mini-hives appeared before I even had time to say c***,’ she said.

‘I could see the hives getting bigger and spreading all over his cheeks, his ears, up the back of his neck and starting to go down his chest.’

Her husband Jaryd – who was at football training down the road – was home within three minutes of receiving the alarming text message from her. 

The couple rushed to the hospital in their car as little Bobby started to cough and vomit everywhere in the backseat. 

To add more stress to the trauma, the young family of three were stuck in traffic as Bobby’s condition worsened. 

After seeking medical treatment, Bobby was diagnosed with anaphylactic to walnuts

After seeking medical treatment, Bobby was diagnosed with anaphylactic to walnuts

‘My greatest fear started to kick in when the choking, vomiting and crying turned to utter silence. Bobby had gone limp. Jaryd said, “C’mon buddy. Wake up”,’ she said.

‘This is when I vomited on myself driving and let out a scream that I didn’t even know was inside of me. I was a desperate mum who had made a bad decision. “This is it,” I thought. “I’ve killed my boy”.

‘It was probably only another minute or so before I pulled up to emergency but the silence was enough to scar me for life. Jaryd jumped out and ran a limp, lethargic Bobby inside.’

After successfully seeking medical treatment, the little boy was diagnosed with anaphylactic to walnuts and pecans.

The family now carry around an epipen wherever they go to help reduce any allergy symptoms in case Bobby, now aged three, comes across walnuts again.

‘If he is to come across walnuts again the reaction will be greater. Perhaps quicker. Perhaps fatal,’ Sophie added.