KUWTK: Khloe accuses Kim of being ‘dipwad’ during feud

Khloé Kardashian launched an astonishing personal attack on sister Kim on Sunday’s episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

The 33-year-old reality star was shown flipping out at older sister Kim, 37, for constantly doubting her word – calling her ‘a f***ing bitch,’ ‘dipwad’ and ‘just not a loyal person.’

She then proved that her own pain at past attacks at her body image did not stop her doing the same to others, saying about Kim as she walked off: ‘You’re so easy to make insecure, wait ’til I tell you about your fat ass in a second.’

Harsh attack: Khloé Kardashian after being doubted by her sister Kim called her a ‘dipwad’ and ‘just not a loyal person’ on Sunday’s episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians

The highly personal attacks started when Khloé brought up a bizarre story where their friend only identified as ‘Evelyn’ went ‘nuts’ and started ‘finger-banging herself’ at one of their girls’ nights, with Khloé saying she had seen video of it.

Kim then infuriated her sister when she bluntly insisted ‘I was there. She was not’ – even though she later admitted she was actually asleep at the time.

‘You were there but you were sleeping so you didn’t see it,’ Khloé said to camera later, adding angrily: ‘You’re the f***ing liar.’

A second showdown flared when Kim again questioned Khloé when she claimed a woman they heard speaking about catching HIV had said it was from the first time she had unprotected sex.

Bizarre story: The feud kicked off when Khloe told a bizarre story that Kim challenged

Bizarre story: The feud kicked off when Khloe told a bizarre story that Kim challenged

Bizarre story: The feud kicked off when Khloe told a bizarre story that Kim challenged 

‘Don’t be a f***ing bitch and make out that I’m a liar!’ Khloé angrily told her sister, calling her a ‘dipwad’ who does not ‘pay attention to people.’

‘You zone out and you perk up when it’s the right time. I’m obviously invested in paying attention,’ she added snidely.

‘All you’ve ever done is just this kind of s*** – you’re just not a loyal person.’

Fury unleashed: Khloe became infuriated when Kim tried to make her look like a liar and said her older sister was a 'dipwad' who doesn't 'pay attention to people'

Fury unleashed: Khloe became infuriated when Kim tried to make her look like a liar and said her older sister was a ‘dipwad’ who doesn’t ‘pay attention to people’

Too easy: Kim said it was too easy to get Khloe riled up and Khloe vowed to play on her insecurities over her figure

Too easy: Kim said it was too easy to get Khloe riled up and Khloe vowed to play on her insecurities over her figure

Kim later insisted to camera that she had every reason to question Khloé’s honesty, saying: ‘I think Khloé like’s to exaggerate. When we were younger she would always lie just to get attention. Now I think it’s just turned into this, like, stream of lies.’

But Khloé later complained of their ‘long history of her doubting me’ and insisted: ‘Literally, I used to lie when I was 16 years old – who doesn’t? – I was a bad teenager, most kids are. But ever since then I’ve been labeled a liar, and it’s just frustrating because I’m not sure why I’m being held to something I did when I was 16.’

She later complained of her ‘obscene amount of fights with Kimberly’ to close friends Malika and Khadijah Haqq, with Malika warning her: ‘Your response, Khloe, is not making this any better. She’s poking the damn bear and you’re just letting her get to you.’

Teenage tales: The 33-year-old reality star admitted she used to lie at age 16 to get attention

Teenage tales: The 33-year-old reality star admitted she used to lie at age 16 to get attention

Cool shades: Kim opened up the episode wearing small sunglasses that husband Kanye West got for her

Cool shades: Kim opened up the episode wearing small sunglasses that husband Kanye West got for her

She then stressed: ‘You’re the last person that most people want to tee off on because your word vomit is crazy.’

Khloe joked that she ‘might need an exorcism’ but insisted to the Haqq sisters: ‘Honestly, I love Kim – we just have such a dysfunctional relationship.’

After listening to a tape to help calm her down, Khloe called Kim to apologize – but realized it would not be as easy as she hoped.

Calm down: Khloe listened to a tape to help her calm down and manage her anger

Calm down: Khloe listened to a tape to help her calm down and manage her anger

‘You just like snapped for no reason. It’s like just crazy how you just snap,’ Kim complained.

‘Just call me back when you feel like being a nice, decent human being instead of being a f***ing **** all the time,’ Kim said before abruptly hanging up.

‘I’m trying to be a nice human being right now,’ Khloe insisted – just to realize Kim had hung up on her, with Khloe saying aloud: ‘I would rather talk to myself than talk to you.’

Hung up: Kim fielded a phone call from Khloe who wanted to apologize for blowing up at her

Hung up: Kim fielded a phone call from Khloe who wanted to apologize for blowing up at her

Khloe later surprised Kim at home, joking that ‘I had to ambush you,’ with Kim telling her she was avoiding her because ‘you called me a disloyal person.’

‘I’m, like, over it, because I’m not,’ Kim added. ‘I’m going to lay low on that energy, on the negative vibes.’

Saying that she felt ‘super bad about it,’ Khloe insisted: ‘I’m embarrassed, it’s disturbing how I respond to you. I just feel like it stems from years and years of you not believing me.’

Negative vibes: Kim admitted that she was staying away from Khloe after being called a 'disloyal person'

Negative vibes: Kim admitted that she was staying away from Khloe after being called a ‘disloyal person’

‘I don’t even know why I don’t believe you half the time,’ Kim then admitted.

‘You haven’t given me a reason in so long to not believe you. So I don’t know why that’s like my thing with you,’ she told Khloe.

Khloe insisted: ‘Even that you’re acknowledging that, it really means a lot. And I’m just really sorry for my short temper with you and I’m working on it and I’m trying to better myself. I shouldn’t react that way – I love you and I’m sorry.’

Making up: Khloe surprised her sister and apologized in person

Making up: Khloe surprised her sister and apologized in person

Making up: Khloe surprised her sister and apologized in person

‘I love you too, and I’m sorry if I’ve doubted you,’ Kim told her sister, with them agreeing to make a ‘conscious effort’ to change.

There was also a less hurtful feud between Kim and Kourtney, but this time over their diets.

Kim seemed clearly offended when Kourtney called bagels in her fridge ‘so gross to give your kids’ and attacked her for eating processed foods, including store-bought almond milk.

Diet expert: Kourtney scolded Kim for having bagels in her refrigerator

Diet expert: Kourtney scolded Kim for having bagels in her refrigerator

‘Have your chef make almond milk fresh once a week,’ Kourtney told her, with Khloe laughing: ‘Sometimes preservatives taste that much better though.’

Looking defensive, Kim then pointed out that a recent study she read suggested Kourtney’s gluten-free diet might not be healthy, either, because it could contain more arsenic.

‘Arsenic is like a fire, right?’ Khloé asked, clearly confusing it with arson – before again getting personal.

Gluten free: Kourtney was advocating for a gluten-free diet for her sisters and was the self-declared healthiest eater in the family

Gluten free: Kourtney was advocating for a gluten-free diet for her sisters and was the self-declared healthiest eater in the family

‘Maybe that’s why your skin is so bad,’ she told Kourtney. ‘Your skin is horrible.’

Kim and Kourtney then tried to prove who was healthier, first trying to collect sweat in a sauna for a ‘sweat test’ before going to Kourtney’s food allergies doctor for blood tests.

When he called to tell them they were both ‘clean’ of mercury, aluminum, and arsenic, Kim complained: ‘I don’t even understand what that means honestly. The whole point of taking this test was to see who’s healthier, one gluten free and one not, and we’re both, like, fine.’

Sweat test: Kim, Kourtney and Jonathan Cheban underwent a 'sweat test' together

Sweat test: Kim, Kourtney and Jonathan Cheban underwent a ‘sweat test’ together

Hot spot: Kourtney, Jonathan and Kim sweated profusely together

Hot spot: Kourtney, Jonathan and Kim sweated profusely together

Sweat test: The sweat test was designed to measure toxin levels in the body

Sweat test: The sweat test was designed to measure toxin levels in the body

Health nut: Kourtney took pride in being the healthiest eater

Health nut: Kourtney took pride in being the healthiest eater

They later had a food scientist visit them at home, with her explaining that a gluten-free diet only has increased arsenic if too much packaged food is consumed.

‘Basically eat everything in moderation because we’re f***ed at some point either way,’ Kim said at the end of the chat.

Later, she added: ‘From this experience I’ve definitely learned the it’s just not that simple. It isn’t a perfect science, and my lifestyle is working for me and Kourtney’s lifestyle is working for her.’

Test results: Kourtney found out that both she and Kim were 'clean'

Test results: Kourtney found out that both she and Kim were ‘clean’

Lifestyle choice: Kim learned that diet was more complicated than she thought

Lifestyle choice: Kim learned that diet was more complicated than she thought

Kim earlier told her sister of her diet: ‘Like, honestly I can’t eat just air. It’s like so boring.’

During their health feud, they were also sent a box of doughnuts by Kylie Jenner, with Kourtney saying: ‘I can’t eat it, but how exciting is it to smell it.’

She instead gave the doughnut to Kim’s daughter North West who was with them in the kitchen.

Nice smell: Kourtney couldn't eat a doughnut but she enjoyed smelling it

Nice smell: Kourtney couldn’t eat a doughnut but she enjoyed smelling it

Sweet treat: North ate a doughnut that Kylie Jenner sent over to Kourtney

Sweet treat: North ate a doughnut that Kylie Jenner sent over to Kourtney

Their mother Kris Jenner, meanwhile, took drastic action when she decided to keep tabs on her own mother’s movements – giving her new sneakers with a tracking device in the soles.

But instead of giving her peace of mind, she fixated over 82-year-old Mary Jo Campbell’s movements – even racing out to check up on her when she failed to answer calls and texts while her ringer was off because she had friends over.

‘You’re psychotic,’ Kourtney told her when she found out what she was doing, insisting of her grandmother: ‘She’s the one who taught us all how to be independent women. Let her live.’

Keeping track: Mary Jo Campbell was being tracked without her knowledge by Kris

Keeping track: Mary Jo Campbell was being tracked without her knowledge by Kris

Sneaky sneakers: Kris gifted her mother with sneakers and insoles with a tracking device

Sneaky sneakers: Kris gifted her mother with sneakers and insoles with a tracking device

Kourtney threatened to tell her grandmother what was happening, forcing Kris to confess, telling her mom: ‘It’s like my little mommy babysitter. I trust you, I just really worry about you.’

‘You should feel really creepy about putting things in my shoe. My God!’ her mom replied, luckily with a smile.

Kris also had two unusual looks in the episode, starting when Khloe dumped a flour bomb over her head with Kim insisting: ‘We just wanted to see what you would look like with gray hair!’

Flour power: Khloe surprised her mom by dumping a cup of flour on her head

Flour power: Khloe surprised her mom by dumping a cup of flour on her head

‘Oh good I’ll just dip my head in a bowl of flour when I go out every night,’ Kris deadpanned back.

Later, she went to an ice cream store with family friend Jonathan Cheban where she put on fake huge red lips for a laugh.

‘They don’t look weird on you — is that weird?’ Jonathan teased her.

Keeping Up With The Kardashians will return next week on the E! network.

Nice ride: Jonathan joined Kris for a ride in a vintage car

Nice ride: Jonathan joined Kris for a ride in a vintage car

Big lips: Kris had fun with some huge fake red lips

Big lips: Kris had fun with some huge fake red lips

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