Naturist couple enjoy naked bike rides

Couples often share common interests, but Richard and Grace Opperman’s joint hobby is more unusual than most.

While lots of people spend their leisure time camping, visiting the beach, or cycling, when the Oppermans do it they leave their  clothes at home.

Fitness instructor Richard, 49, from East London in South Africa, has been a naturist since his 20s, and after moving to the UK and meeting Grace on a dating website in 2008, he persuaded her to give the lifestyle a try, too.

Grace, from Hampshire, said the couple dated for a year before Richard – whose love affair with naturism began when he sunbathed naked in his native South Africa – revealed his unusual hobby. 

‘His way of telling me was by talking about a naked bike ride he’d done,’ said Grace, who initially refused to give naturism a try, but is now as committed to the lifestyle as her husband after being persuaded to join a naked bike ride through London. 

Richard Opperman, 49, has been a naturist since he was in his 20s, and now his wife Grace enjoys camping, sunbathing and even cycling naked, too 

A year after they started dating, Richard persuaded Grace to join him on a naked bike ride - and now she's hooked on the naturist lifestyle 

A year after they started dating, Richard persuaded Grace to join him on a naked bike ride – and now she’s hooked on the naturist lifestyle 

‘I thought, “You’ve done what?”‘ Grace said of the moment she found out.

‘We’d been together for around a year when he told me. He asked if I’d want to do it too. At first, I declined, but, after thinking about it, I agreed to go on the naked bike ride with him, but only to go topless.

‘When I got to London, where it started, everyone was in the nude, so I actually felt like the odd one out, for not being completely naked.’

Now the couple, who married in 2010, are both committed naturists, and as well as cycling in their birthday suits, they regularly strip off at specialist beaches, spas and campsites all over the country.

Having been shocked to learn of Richard's hobby at first, now Grace, 51, is a committed naturist too 

Having been shocked to learn of Richard’s hobby at first, now Grace, 51, is a committed naturist too 

According to Richard, being naked in public places eventually 'becomes normal' 

According to Richard, being naked in public places eventually ‘becomes normal’ 

Richard added: ‘After a while, you almost forget you’re in the nude. It becomes normal.’

Growing up in the South African city of East London, he often sunbathed naked – finding that it helped ease insecurities he had about his physique.

He continued: ‘I used to have a complex about my body, but the more I went naked, the more confident I felt about myself.

‘It gives me that same free feeling I get when I exercise.’

After moving to the UK in 2005, Richard was concerned that the nudist community would be less active, because of the cold climate.

Richard says he and his wife Grace, seen on the beach, have 'such a laugh' about their hobby 

Richard at a nudist beach

Richard says he and his wife Grace, seen on the beach, have ‘such a laugh’ about their hobby 

Richard says being naked in public gives him the same 'free feeling' he gets from exercise 

Richard says being naked in public gives him the same ‘free feeling’ he gets from exercise 

But he soon discovered a naked bike ride in London and decided to take part.

‘I was so nervous because I’d only ever sunbathed naked before. As I stood around watching everyone take their clothes off, I thought, ‘I’d rather go home,’ he said. ‘But I plucked up the courage to make myself do it, and it was brilliant.’

From there, Richard took part in more and more naked events.

And, after meeting Grace on an online dating site, he suggested she, too, get involved.

Although sceptical at first, she gradually began to gain confidence.

‘The first time I ever went to a nudist beach with Richard in 2014, I just lay down, as I didn’t want to draw attention to myself,’ she explained.

‘But, by about the third visit, I felt far more comfortable. I figured that, underneath our clothes, we’re all the same. We’ve all got the same bits, so there’s nothing to be shy about. It feels very free and liberating.

‘Surprisingly, Richard and I are often among the youngest at events we go to. It seems to be popular with older people, and it’s great to see people so happy and accepting of themselves.’

And there have been few objections from loved ones to them stripping-off, although no one has decided to follow suit.

After the couple met on a dating website, Richard persuaded Grace to give 

After the couple met on a dating website, Richard persuaded Grace to give 

Richard says he'd advise anybody who is sceptical about naturism to 'try it out before you make your mind up'  

Richard says he’d advise anybody who is sceptical about naturism to ‘try it out before you make your mind up’  

Richard added: ‘Not everyone understands it, but they all think it’s a bit of a laugh.

‘We’re both from strict Catholic upbringings, so it’s not a hobby we’d share with our families, but if any friends wanted to give it a try they’d be welcome.

‘Naturism is something that’s becoming more and more popular across the world. Way more people do it than you’d think, but some are a little shy about admitting that. To anybody sceptical, I’d say just try it out before you make your mind up.’

Grace and Richard say that, as well as improving their confidence, baring all has made them closer.

Richard continued: ‘It’s great to be able to share this hobby with Grace. We have such a laugh about it.

‘We’ve never had any criticism for what we do. It’s a very accepting community – it doesn’t matter what shape or size you are, there won’t be any judgement.

‘If anyone ever was negative, I think it’d be people that have body complexes themselves.

‘For us, naturism is brilliant. You feel so free and empowered, and you should never let someone else’s judgement stop you from doing something you love.’