Karren Brady mocked on Twitter for answers to maths quiz

Apprentice judge Karren Brady was mocked on Twitter for ‘not being able to count’ after users incorrectly accused of her of getting a maths brain teaser wrong.

The business mogul had set her followers a dog-themed maths quiz and, despite later revealing the correct answer, was mercilessly teased by those who thought she was wrong.

As it turned out, other eagle-eyed Twitter users were quick to clarify that West Ham’s vice-chairman was right, with the problem asking people to use a set of maths conventions called order of operations – or BODMAS – to find the answer.

Brady set followers a dog-themed maths quiz and, despite getting the answer correct, was mocked by MailOnline columnist Piers Morgan and other tweeters

Apprentice judge Karren Brady was mocked on Twitter for 'not being able to count' after users incorrectly accused of her of getting a maths brain teaser wrong

Apprentice judge Karren Brady was mocked on Twitter for ‘not being able to count’ after users incorrectly accused of her of getting a maths brain teaser wrong

BODMAS – Brackets, Orders, Division, Multipication, Addition, Subtraction – stands for the order in which someone would perform operations in a maths problem.

She tweeted: ‘Congratulations to all of you who got the answer correct which is 14.

‘Two (bones) multiplied by five (bulldog) is 10 plus four (the black and white dog who looks unwell!) Equals 14!’

However, many tweeters – including MailOnline’s editor-at-large Piers Morgan – were convinced the millionaire businesswoman had got her own brain teaser wrong. 

Most thought the answer was 30, working it out by adding four to two and then multiplying by 5. 

However, under BODMAS the multiplying comes first, meaning the correct working out was two multiplied by five plus four, equalling 14. 

One wrote: ‘LOL. Set a maths brain teaser and get the wrong answer yourself.’

Another said: ‘Oops! The answer is 30. Karren Brady have you been hanging around with Diane Abbott too long.

One Apprentice fan joked: ‘Don’t let Lord Sugar know you can’t count. Maybe your need an apprenticeship in mathematics.’

One tweeter posted: ‘It’s 30!! The last sum is multiple not plus!’

Robert Johnson fumed: ‘You’re fired!! Maybe Mrs May can make you the Maths Tsar!’

While one man fumed: ‘Always thought you looked more confused than the contestants on The Apprentice. Irrefutable proof right there.’

Baron Price, a former Managing Director of Waitrose, was also among those who accused Brady of getting her sum wrong.

He said: ‘Karen I think you’ll find it’s 30. If you had the bones first multiplied by the bulldog add the back and white dog that would be 14!’

Piers Morgan even retweeted Brady’s quiz and poked fun at West Ham’s transfers by, writing: ‘It’s 30 not 14… no wonder you keep overpaying for players!

How BODMAS works 

BODMAS – Brackets, Orders, Division, Multipication, Addition, Subtraction –  stands for the order in which someone would perform operations in a maths problem. 

Sums within brackets come first, then the ‘of’ or ‘orders’ in an equation, followed by division and multiplication, and leaving addition and subtraction for last.

But was he later forced to concede and posted: ‘OK, Karren Brady – so I just tried this on my calculator, as suggested by Twitter, and to my horror it appears I’m wrong.

‘It is indeed 14 not 30, due apparently to some new-fangled mathematical principle called BODMAS of which I know nothing.’

However, while Piers jokingly claimed that BODMAS was contemporary theory – many tweeters were unimpressed.

One man wrote: ‘Been around for ages, my 10-year-old solved it in seconds.’

Another said: ‘BODMAS is taught to eight year olds, Piers. You would have learned it at school – one of the fundamental principles of arithmetic.’

One tweeter posted: ‘BODMAS has been taught in schools since the 70s a least… showing your age Piers. (and I’m showing mine)’ 


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