Boy trolls teacher with very cheeky spelling sentences

Schoolchildren everywhere complain about having to do homework, especially over the holidays. 

But one seven-year-old boy decided he needed to tell his teacher exactly how he felt about his spelling assignment. 

Angus, who is believed to live in Bangkok with his mother Lisa, found ways to use all ten of his spelling words in sentences that expressed his dislike for homework.

Creative: Seven-year-old Angus demonstrated out-of-the-box thinking when it came to answering his homework assignment, using his spelling words in sentences criticising the task

Making a point: Angus ended the answer sheet by writing: 'Save trees, less homework'

Making a point: Angus ended the answer sheet by writing: ‘Save trees, less homework’

The creative responses included: ‘Little kids hate homework’ and ‘Who said homework is fun?’ Determined to get his point across, Angus ended the answers by scrawling the statement: ‘Save trees, less homework’ in large letters. 

Mother Lisa was tickled by her son’s response and shared an image of his answer sheet on Twitter with the caption: ‘Reminded my kid he needed to do his homework he put off for 3 wks during break. This is his finished work. Only 7 and already #TrollingHisTeacher.’

The tweet has been ‘liked’ and retweeted thousands of times, with supporters praising Angus’ creativity. 

Worldwide support: Mother Lisa shared the responses to the delight of Twitter users

Worldwide support: Mother Lisa shared the responses to the delight of Twitter users

One posted: ‘Your kid is a freaking genius. I’d give him an A… Brilliant work.’ Another added: ‘This is too funny! I am a teacher and would chuckle while grading!’

Some Twitter users questioned whether Angus was being ‘disrespectful’ with his answers but mother Lisa stepped in to defend her child, saying he ‘adores’ his teacher. 

‘He adores his teacher, as do I! And luckily she has a great sense of humor. A great teacher is a gift, so we’ve been blessed!,’ she tweeted. 

Praise: Twitter users congratulated Angus on his engaged approach to the homework

Praise: Twitter users congratulated Angus on his engaged approach to the homework

Speaking to indy100, Lisa said: ‘There’s not a whole lot to the story other than my son, Angus, waited until the last minute of his three-week break to do his homework and went into doing it very disgruntled and put off.

‘But as he started to do it and I was cleaning around the house I heard him giggling more and more until he was in a fit of full-blown laughter before declaring loudly, “DONE!”‘ 

She later shared a photo of Angus looking ‘pleased with himself’ moments after finishing the homework.