Florida man kicked off Spirit flight for bathroom mess

Dante Bencivenga, 58, was kicked off a Spirit Airlines flight for reportedly urinating all over the on-board bathroom, and was later banned from the Florida airport for one year for being belligerent on Thursday

Bad bathroom behavior got one Florida man kicked off his flight, and eventually banned from the airport. 

Dante Bencivenga, 58, had already boarded his flight at the Southwest Florida International Airport on Thursday but was asked to leave the plane when flight attendants said he urinated all over the toilet and carpet in the on-board bathroom.

He had already deplaned when he was arrested at and charged with trespassing and disorderly intoxication after causing a scene at the Spirit Airlines gate, Fox 4 reported.  

Spirit Airlines employees noticed Bencivenga drifting in and out of consciousness as he waited to board his flight on Thursday, Lee County Port Authority Police said.

He also smelled like alcohol.

But he made it on the plane anyway, and made a huge in the bathroom.

The man reportedly urinated on top of the toilet and all over the floor in the stall.

When flight attendants noticed, they asked him to leave the plane and he did so without becoming belligerent.

But then, while gate agents were trying to rebook the man for a Friday flight, he grew unruly.

Bencivenga continued to cause a disruption and would not leave the terminal, Spirit Airlines representatives said. 

The man was charged with trespassing and disorderly intoxication, and has been banned from the Southwest Florida International Airport for one year

The man was charged with trespassing and disorderly intoxication, and has been banned from the Southwest Florida International Airport for one year

When officers responded, Bencivenga said he was not drunk, despite what police described as a strong smell of alcohol.

Bencivenga requested to take a breathalyzer test to prove he was not intoxicate, police said. 

He was taken into custody at the Lee County Jail and released Friday on $2,250 bond.

Due to this actions after being removed from his flight, Bencivenga has been banned from the Southwest Florida International Airport for one year. 

Read more at DailyMail.co.uk