Couple stranded in Italy after baby born 15 weeks early

A British couple have been stranded in Italy after their baby was born 15 weeks early while they were on a Christmas holiday.

Twenty-four-week-pregnant Jordan Wilson and her boyfriend, Ashley Challoner, were on holiday in Venice as an early Christmas treat.

University of East Anglia nursing student, Miss Wilson, was stunned when she woke up one morning surrounded in fluid. 

She was forced into labour and gave birth to Matilda, who was due in March, on December 3. The baby, who was born nearly four months early, weighed just 1.7lbs – the size of an iPad.

Matilda, who was born nearly four months early, weighed just 1.7lbs – the size of an iPad

Twenty-four-week-pregnant Jordan Wilson and her boyfriend, Ashley Challoner were on holiday in Venice  as an early Christmas treat


Twenty-four-week-pregnant Jordan Wilson and her boyfriend, Ashley Challoner (left), were on holiday in Venice as an early Christmas treat. Pictured is Matilda (right)

Miss Wilson and Mr Challoner could now find themselves in the country for another three months as they wait for their daughter to grow big enough to come home to the UK.  

Miss Wilson, 26, said: ‘We booked to come to Venice on holiday before I found out I was pregnant, but we still came because I was only 24 weeks, and you can fly without having to speak to your doctor.

‘We flew out on November 28, nothing was wrong, but then I woke up one morning and there was just fluid everywhere.’

Miss Wilson, who had the forethought to take her notes abroad with her, called her midwife who told her to go to the nearest hospital.  

Battling the language barrier, the couple managed to ascertain Miss Wilson had gone into early labour.

Drugs kept the delivery at bay for two days, but determined to meet her parents little Matilda was born on December 3 and was taken straight to the neonatal intensive care unit. 

Miss Wilson and Mr Challoner could now find themselves in the country for another three months as they wait for their daughter to grow big enough to come home to the UK


Miss Wilson and Mr Challoner could now find themselves in the country for another three months as they wait for their daughter to grow big enough to come home to the UK

She said: ‘It didn’t have a gynae unit so we were rushed to Trento, in Italy, which is where we are now.’  

‘Obviously I was shocked. But I would like to think because I’m studying nursing that helped to keep me more calm, the more stressful thing has been understanding the language. And I’ve been crying a lot but I blame that on the hormones.’

Since she was born Matilda – who has an Italian birth certificate – endured a blood transfusion and was hooked up to oxygen for her first few weeks of life, while the whole family was stranded in Italy.

‘We’re stuck out here until she’s better really,’ said Miss Wilson.

Doctors hope to discharge Matilda at the beginning of February, but even then they will need to stay near to the hospital for a couple of weeks until they are sure she is well enough – potentially until her original due date on March 14.

Now, Matilda weighs 2.6lbs – just more than a bag of sugar – and no longer has to use a full face oxygen mask, although she still has a nasal tube.     

Miss Wilson’s mother, Helen Richardson, started an online fundraising page to help support the couple.

While the couple had insurance which is covering an apartment close to the hospital, and 27-year-old Mr Challoner’s boss said his truck driving job would be held for him, they used all their savings for baby supplies to fund their day-to-day living.

Already £1,500 has been reached which will go towards everything from a cot and sheets, to a sterilising unit and baby monitors.

Now, Matilda weighs 2.6lbs - just more than a bag of sugar - and no longer has to use a full face oxygen mask, although she still has a nasal tube

Now, Matilda weighs 2.6lbs – just more than a bag of sugar – and no longer has to use a full face oxygen mask, although she still has a nasal tube

But Miss Wilson said she did not know about the page until someone tagged her in it on social media.

‘I think I was the last to know,’ she said.

‘The support we’ve had has been overwhelming, not just the GoFundMe page but we could not have asked for better from all the nurses, they’re really trying although we don’t speak Italian. And I’ve received messages of support from so many people.’ 

University of East Anglia nursing student Miss Wilson found out she was pregnant in August – and the couple were thrilled. 

The pair saved hard for the holiday, to Venice after a difficult year where Mr Challoner had to move from Norwich to Yorkshire to look after his father.

This meant they had only been able to see each other twice a month, as Miss Wilson still had a year left at university.

The couple are hoping to return home to Britain with Matilda as soon as possible.