Russian lawyer at Trump Tower meeting says she met Ivanka

Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya believes she had a brief encounter with Ivanka Trump following her infamous meeting with three top Donald Trump advisors in June 2016.

The Kremlin-linked lawyer had met with Donald Trump Jr., Ivanka’s husband Jared Kushner, and then campaign chair Paul Manafort under the offer of dirt on Hillary Clinton, though Veselnitskaya says she was there to lobby on a Russia sanctions issue.

When it was over, she told NBC she exchanged pleasantries with a blonde haired woman she believes was Ivanka Trump.

FANCY MEETING YOU HERE: Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya believes she chatted with Ivanka Trump following her infamous meeting at Trump Tower

She wasn’t sure because she didn’t get formally introduced, though a personal familiar with the meeting told the NBC the woman was, indeed, the president’s daughter Ivanka, who was a fixture on the campaign and a Trump Organization official.

The claim that yet another Trump family member met with a Russian during the outreach campaign comes despite the White House insistence that Donald Trump did not meet with the Russians.

Former chief White House strategist Steve Bannon, who apologized and tried to walk back some of his comments over the weekend, is quoted in the new bombshell book ‘Fire and Fury’ expressing certainty that Donald Trump did meet the Russians. 

‘The chance that Don. Jr did not walk these Jumos up to his father’s office on the 26th floor is zero,’ he said.

Kremlin-linked lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya says she spoke to a blonde woman there but was not formally introduced

Kremlin-linked lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya says she spoke to a blonde woman there but was not formally introduced

Ivanka Trump, daughter of President elect of the United States, Donald Trump is seen inside the lobby of Trump Tower in Manhattan, New York, U.S., on Friday, November 18, 2016

Ivanka Trump, daughter of President elect of the United States, Donald Trump is seen inside the lobby of Trump Tower in Manhattan, New York, U.S., on Friday, November 18, 2016

Bannon also labeled the meeting itself ‘treasonous,’ though he modified the comment over the weekend. 

‘Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad …, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately,’ Bannon said in the book.

He said over the weekend that he was referring only to Manafort, a seasoned operative who did millions of work for a pro-Moscow Ukrainian political party, and not the president’s eldest son.

There was no collusion and the investigation is a witch hunt,’ Bannon said. ‘I regret that my delay in responding to the inaccurate reporting regarding Don Jr has diverted attention from the president’s historical accomplishments in the first year of his presidency.’

Donald Trump Jr. attended the meeting, but Steve Bannon says he wasn't referring to the president's son when he called it 'treasonous'

Donald Trump Jr. attended the meeting, but Steve Bannon says he wasn’t referring to the president’s son when he called it ‘treasonous’

Ivanka Trump, daughter of developer Donald Trump, arrives to hear her father announce that he will run for president of the United States, in the lobby of Trump Tower, New York, Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Ivanka Trump, daughter of developer Donald Trump, arrives to hear her father announce that he will run for president of the United States, in the lobby of Trump Tower, New York, Tuesday, June 16, 2015

MUZAK TO HIS EARS: Investigators for Special counsel Robert Mueller are reportedly interested in the Ivanka Trump encounter with Russians

MUZAK TO HIS EARS: Investigators for Special counsel Robert Mueller are reportedly interested in the Ivanka Trump encounter with Russians

Bannon said Sunday: ‘My comments were aimed at Paul Manafort, a seasoned campaign professional with experience and knowledge of how the Russians operate,’ Bannon said. ‘He should have known they are duplicitous, cunning and not our friends. To reiterate, those comments were not aimed at Don Jr.’ 

He also bent over backwards to laud the president. 

‘There was no collusion and the investigation is a witch hunt,’ Bannon said in a statement. ‘I regret that my delay in responding to the inaccurate reporting regarding Don Jr has diverted attention from the president’s historical accomplishments in the first year of his presidency.’

The LA Times reported that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation is calling back one meeting participant for more questions and is interested in the Ivanka encounter, which also involved Rinat Akhmetshin, a D.C.-based lobbyist with Russian intelligence connections.

‘Investigators also are exploring the involvement of the president’s daughter, Ivanka Trump’ – who didn’t attend the meeting ‘ ‘but briefly spoke with two of the participants,’ the paper reported.