Comedians CAMPAIGN for Trump’s ‘dishonest media’ awards

Stephen Colbert, Trevor Noah and Samantha Bee are competing to win big at President Trump’s fake news awards. 

Last week, the president tweeted that he would be announcing the ‘MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR’ on Monday. 

He later pushed the awards back to Wednesday, citing high interest.  

Trump’s goal to shame the media is being taken in stride by three late-night comedians, who have launched expensive media campaigns to win at the awards.


Stephen Colbert (pictured), Trevor Noah and Samantha Bee are all actively campaigning for recognition at Trump’s Most Dishonest & Corrupt Media Awards of the Year 

The three late-night comedians have made 'for your consideration' ads for the awards, which have been pushed back to Wednesday. Above, the ad that Noah put in the New York Times last week

The three late-night comedians have made ‘for your consideration’ ads for the awards, which have been pushed back to Wednesday. Above, the ad that Noah put in the New York Times last week

Samantha Bee put out this ad, asking to be recognized for 'shrillest reporting'

Samantha Bee put out this ad, asking to be recognized for ‘shrillest reporting’

Colbert was the first to make the awards into a joke, releasing a ‘for your consideration’ ad right after they were announced on Wednesday. 

For your consideration ads are common around awards season in Hollywood. 

Studios will often take out newspaper ads, commercial time and billboards to get their movies and TV shows attention in the lead up to the Oscars, Golden Globes and Emmys.

Colbert said he wanted to be considered ‘in all categories including outstanding achievement in parroting George Soros’ talking points, best sound mixing and best chex mixing’ among others.

Colbert even took out a billboard in New York City for the joke 

Colbert even took out a billboard in New York City for the joke 

He also included negative reviews of his show as blurbs, such as a quote from Fox News’ Sean Hannity calling him ‘a horrible human being’.

In addition to releasing his ‘for your consideration’ ad on Twitter, Colbert also took out a billboard in New York City.  

Samantha Bee, who hosts Full Frontal on TBS, released an ad of her own on Twitter as well. 

Bee put her name forward in the made-up category of ‘shrillest reporting’.

‘Nice try @colbertlateshow and @TheDailyShow, but we’re sweeping the #Dishonesties this year. (P.S. @realdonaldtrump, how about a female host next time?)’ Bee wrote in a tweet releasing the ad. 

The Daily Show host Trevor Noah took things one step further, buying out a full page ad in the New York Times and even releasing a fake negative ad against Colbert and Bee. 

‘President Trump, don’t be faked out by their fake fake-outs. When you cast your ballot on Monday, vote for the Daily Show with Trevor Noah. He covers you very unfairly, and he’s literally un-American,’ the ad says of its South African-born host. 

Trump announced his new awards last week and said they would air on Monday, but they have been delayed two days

Trump announced his new awards last week and said they would air on Monday, but they have been delayed two days

Others have been joining in on the joke as well. 

After Jake Tapper kicked Trump advisor Stephen Miller off his show on Sunday, former Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau tweeted he would make a great contender for the awards. 

‘Right under the deadline, @jaketapper fields a very strong entry for Monday’s Dishonest and Corrupt Media Awards,’ Favreau wrote.

Many on Twitter also thought Michael Wolff, whose new book on the administration has been making headlines, would be making the finalists. 

Meanwhile, celebrity chef Jose Andres pledged to cook lunch for the winners. 

Andres has been a noted critic of Trump. He decided to cancel his planned restaurant in Trump’s DC hotel after Trump decided to run for president.  

Former Barack Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau said CNN's Jake Tapper would make a good nominee for the awards for kicking Trump advisor Stephen Miller off his show on Sunday

Former Barack Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau said CNN’s Jake Tapper would make a good nominee for the awards for kicking Trump advisor Stephen Miller off his show on Sunday

Celebrity chef Jose Andres pledged to make lunch for the winners of Trump's awards

Celebrity chef Jose Andres pledged to make lunch for the winners of Trump’s awards