Virgin Active makes gym formula with London mathematician

‘I’m too tired’. ‘I don’t have enough time’. ‘It’s the weekend’. 

These are some of the most common excuses we make for why we can’t possibly go to the gym.  

But as the new year dawns, our minds turn to counteracting the excesses of the festive season.

Virgin Active has teamed up with a City University mathematician Dr Andrea Baronchelli to create the ultimate formula to help people keep on track with their exercise regimes in January

Many of us will be wondering why falling off the wagon is so easily done and what we can do to stay on track with our enthusiastic plans to be fit and healthy in 2018. 

Top 30 gym excuses 

1. I’m too tired (53 per cent)

2. I don’t have enough time (29 per cent)

3. It’s too hot or cold (25 per cent)

4. I’ve got too much to do at home (22 per cent)

5. I’m not feeling 100 per cent and I don’t want to make it worse (18 per cent)

6. I’ll just go another day (16 per cent)

7. I’m injured (13 per cent)

8. I’ve got a headache (10 per cent)

9. I’m hungover (9 per cent)

10. I did a lot of walking today so I don’t need to exercise as well (9 per cent)

11. My friend isn’t going so I have to go alone (8 per cent)

12. I’ve been good with my diet today so I don’t need to exercise (7 per cent)

13. It’s the weekend (7 per cent)

14. It’s my birthday (7 per cent)

15. I’m worried about my appearance (6 per cent)

16. My gym kit is still dirty (6 per cent)

17. I need to go out afterwards and won’t have time to shower/get ready (6 per cent)

18. The gym is going to be busy (6 per cent)

19. I’ve already been once this week (5 per cent)

20. The traffic is bad (4 per cent)

21. I’m too hungry and I don’t believe you should exercise on an empty stomach (4 per cent)

22. I can’t get to the gym (4 per cent)

23. The class I wanted to do is fully booked (4 per cent)

24. I’ve been invited to drinks instead (4 per cent)

25. It’s been so long since I last exercised, there’s no point (4 per cent)

26. My battery has died so I can’t listen to music (2 per cent)

27. My alarm didn’t go off (2 per cent)

28. I forgot my headphones (2 per cent)

29. I left my gym kit at home and don’t have time to go back and get it (2 per cent)

30. My train was delayed (2 per cent) 

Now Virgin Active – the world’s leading global lifestyle and fitness brand – has teamed up with a City University mathematician to create the ultimate formula for success.

Dr Andrea Baronchelli helped come up with the intriguing equation which considers how many gym buddies you have, how early you prepare your fitness gear, the delay between finishing work and working out, and even the temperature.

‘Reviewing the data, it was clear that components such as the harsh weather, being more organised and working out with a friend all impacted the British public’s motivation levels,’ said the mathematician.

‘Therefore, we playfully combined them into a formula to create the perfect January.’

The aim was simple: to help people get motivated this January and prevent them from backing out of their gym plans at the last minute. 

Virgin Active polled 2,000 adults and found that 54 per cent reckon they need to exercise more often, with a lack of time (44 per cent), motivation (43 per cent) and money (18 per cent) named as the biggest barriers.

Some 37 per cent struggle more during January than at any other time of the year – and 56 per cent put it down to the dark mornings and evenings sapping their motivation.

But it turns out there are lots of ways to get back your zeal for exercise.

Going to bed no later than 9.44pm, telling at least one person about your plans and packing your gym gear two-and-a-half hours in advance are reliable ways of keeping you on track with exercise, according to Virgin Active.

Having three sets of exercise clothes, taking two days off a week and going to the gym first thing in the morning to ‘get it out of the way’ are other tips people swear by to stick with their fitness plans.

Other strategies for success include leaving two days between gym sessions and heading there straight from the office so you don’t have a chance to sit down.

The study also found that 55 per cent of gym goers who think they are good at sticking with their plans get early nights and tell at least one person of their plans so it’s harder to back out.

They also have three different sets of fitness clothes so they always have something to wear.

Exercising with a friend was seen as easier by 38 per cent of those polled because pulling out at the last minute means letting them down.

Virgin Active polled 2,000 adults and found that 54 per cent reckon they need to exercise more often - but 37 per cent struggle more during January than at any other time of the year

Virgin Active polled 2,000 adults and found that 54 per cent reckon they need to exercise more often – but 37 per cent struggle more during January than at any other time of the year

Virgin Active is offering twelve-month membership with nothing to pay until February including no joining fee until January 17

Virgin Active is offering twelve-month membership with nothing to pay until February including no joining fee until January 17

But eight in ten people admit they come up with excuses to get out of exercising.

Being too tired was the most popular reason given for not working out, while others avoid going because they say it’s too hot or cold, they have a hangover, or have been ditched by their usual gym buddy.

Top 10 barriers to going to the gym more often 

 1. A lack of time (44 per cent)

2. I can’t be bothered (26 per cent)

3. A lack of money (18 per cent)

4. I find it difficult to stay motivated and keep up with a routine (17 per cent)

5. Something else always takes priority (17 per cent)

6. Work always ends up busy (10 per cent)

7. I’ve not got anyone to go with (10 per cent)

8. I don’t really know what I’m doing (8 per cent)

9. I find the gym intimidating at first (7 per cent)

10. The gym is always too busy (7 per cent)

Andy Birch, Product and Fitness Director at Virgin Active, said: ‘One of the most important things when it comes to exercising is being motivated – if you aren’t, it can be easy to find any little excuse to talk yourself out of going. 

‘We all know January can be the hardest time of year to get yourself motivated thanks to the Christmas hangover, the short, dark days and the cold weather.

‘One of the best ways to do this is to find a workout that works for you. 

‘Whether that’s classes, gym, swim or a mixture of all three. When you’re engaged with your workout, you’re more likely to remain committed to keeping fit and being a healthier you. 

‘Make 2018 the year you feel magnificent – and your year of no excuses.’

Hannah Davies, Master Personal Trainer at Virgin Active Aldersgate says fitting workouts around your lifestyle and training with a friend are great ways to keep on track.

She also recommends employing an experienced personal trainer and setting yourself a manageable goal every week.

For extra motivation, Virgin Active is offering twelve-month membership with nothing to pay until February including no joining fee (valid until January 17). 

The #NoExcuses online offer grants new members nationwide access to Virgin Active’s revolutionary gym floor, up to 120 innovative classes per week, pool, steam and sauna facilities.