Amateur porn star, 37, hires a hit man to kill boyfriend

An ‘amateur’ porn star was charged with hiring a hit man to kill her boyfriend after it was revealed that the person she enlisted was actually an FBI informant. 

Rasheeda Johnson Turner – known as Mz. Fiesty – was arrested last month for plan, which included tracking her lover’s movements using an iPhone app. 

The Los Angeles area native, 37, wanted her 55-year-old boyfriend’s $150,000 life-insurance policy and was prepared to pay the informant $50,000, according to prosecutors. 

Turner is charged with the use of interstate commerce facilities in the commission of murder for hire and could face up to 10 years, if she is convicted. 

Her trial is scheduled for February stated her court-appointed lawyer, Stephen Frye. 

The informant first alerted the FBI in November of Turner’s plot. 

A federal complaint details how the mother attempted and failed to hire a person, beforehand, but they declined her offer. 

Rasheeda Johnson Turner – known as Mz. Fiesty – was arrested last month for plan, which included tracking her lover’s movements using an iPhone app (stock)

Under the direction of the FBI, the unidentified informant soon made acquaintance with Turner. 

She would share with the informant that she was working in the medical but further investigation found her amateur porn pages affiliated with the names Fiesty and Mz Fiesty. 

Turner allegedly shared that she planned to kill her lover and had even gone so far as to get ‘pure acid’ for the deed. 

But she grew paranoid and feared discovery, according to the court affidavit. 

According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Turner was said to have told the informant ‘that fly needs to be swatted.’ The informant took that to mean that action needed to occur soon. 

‘I was gonna off blood, myself, but it’s hard because I got a kid,’ she allegedly said to the informant, according to the affidavit obtained by KCAL. 

On December 8, Turner met with the informant and was said to have wanted her boyfriend killed before he could take her off the life insurance policy and cut her off financially. 

She had shown the informant an app on her phone which allowed her to keep tabs on the intended victim’s location. 

The informant called Turner asking for the victim’s whereabouts. After she allegedly gave him the details and confirmed payment, the FBI contacted the victim and arrested Turner. 

She already has a conviction for forgery and theft from 2005 and a 2016 arrest for battery of a spouse/relation, which involved her lover, according to the affidavit.