Salesman, 34, ‘was called a “fat ginger pikey”‘

A salesman for a global software company who claimed he was called ‘a fat ginger pikey’, a ‘salad dodger’ and ‘fat Yoda’ has lost his claim for harassment.

Sales representative David Evans said he was called the derogatory terms by colleagues, which also included comparing him to Gimli the dwarf, a ‘jellied eel salesman’ and referring to him as ‘wonky eye’.

He also claimed executives at Xactly, one of the top technology firms based in San Francisco which has a turnover of $100m, repeatedly abused him.

Mr Evans, 34, said he was called a salad dodger at least ten times in eight months during a campaign of harassment.

David Evans (pictured) said he was called a ‘fat ginger pikey’, a ‘salad dodger’ and a ‘fat Yoda’

Former Europe Vice President Tom Castley is alleged to have said while waiting in a lift during his second week in the sales job in January 2016 that: ‘I’d rather f*** him than fight him.’

Mr Evans, from south west London, claims former regional sales manager Kevin Henderson called him a salad dodger at a lunch in March 2016, then a ‘fat ginger pikey’ a month later.

Mr Evans, who said he was raised by a traveller family, claims he also called him ‘stupid’ and ‘common’.

Former sales executive and current director, Patrick Morton, was said to call him a ‘Fat Yoda’ in May 2016 when he sat at his desk.

Both Mr Morton and Mr Henderson were alleged to have called Mr Evans ‘Gimli’ on a number of occasions – including sending a picture of the fictional dwarf to colleagues on a company chat system on March 15 last year.

Mr Castley, who has since also been sacked by the company, described him as a ‘second hand car salesman’, it was claimed.

Mr Evans claimed he was victimised due to his race and disability by his former bosses due to his diabetes and under-active thyroid, which caused weight gain.

But an employment tribunal in London found he was not a victim of harassment because he did not complain at the time and could not show a link between his illness and any weight gain.

A panel of judges also found colleagues did not know he had connections to the traveller community or that he was persecuted because of his diabetes.

Former Vice President Tom Castley (pictured) allegedly said about Mr Evans that 'I'd rather f*** him than fight him'

Former Vice President Tom Castley (pictured) allegedly said about Mr Evans that ‘I’d rather f*** him than fight him’

Judge Joanna Wade said in the panel’s judgement: ‘By far the worst allegation is Mr Henderson’s “fat ginger pikey” comment. 

‘This could have been harassment, but having looked at the context we conclude that it was not.

‘The loose connection between the claimant and travellers makes it very unlikely that the comment was intended to upset him and indeed he agrees that Kevin Henderson would not have had that intention.

‘It also makes it less likely that the effect would be a undermining of the claimant’s dignity because it was not very personal.

‘All the indications are that the claimant was not upset at the time.

‘If he complained at all in June the complaint was not sufficient and so there was no recognisable complaint until the grievance some seven months later.

‘We do not accept that he was the sort of person to absorb an insult quietly and dwell upon it so that it became more distressing.

‘He himself used the ‘c’ word which makes it unlikely he would have been offended by anything which others might consider acceptable.

‘No causal link is established between the claimant’s size and his disability.

‘The claimant also complains that colleagues called him “salad dodger”, “fat Yoda”, and “Gimli”.

‘Some of these phrases probably were used but we struggled to see how they could have been particularly offensive.’

The panel found there was office ‘banter’ which a lot of employees joined in, including Mr Evans.

Judges also said Mr Evans ‘elaborated beyond recognition’ the details of a meeting between him and Mr Castley where the claimant said he complained about being called a pikey.

Judge Wade added: ‘He particularly complained about Mr Henderson’s ‘fat ginger pikey’ comment but did not give any other specific examples.

‘It is not credible that Mr Castley would have rejected a serious complaint about Mr Henderson given his track record of dealing with other staff members, including the claimant, when there was a problem.

‘We think that the most likely explanation is that there was a low-level discussion about Kevin Henderson’s behaviour which the claimant has now elaborated beyond recognition.

‘We find that the reason he did not react was because he was not upset.’

Mr Evans says he was sacked in December 2016 for ‘expressing an interest in leaving the company’, but Xactly claim he was fired for poor performance.

Mr Evans (pictured) claims former regional sales manager Kevin Henderson called him a salad dodger at a lunch in March 2016, then a 'fat ginger pikey' a month later

Mr Evans (pictured) claims former regional sales manager Kevin Henderson called him a salad dodger at a lunch in March 2016, then a ‘fat ginger pikey’ a month later

The dismissal of the claimant followed the same ‘pattern’ as another salesman who was also sacked for not reaching targets, the panel decided.

Judges found Mr Evans left the company because he no longer wanted to work for the firm and the situation had become ‘untenable’.

The panel added: ‘If Mr Castley did not take kindly to the way the claimant had argued back at the sales meeting, there is no sign of a causal link between this and his alleged reaction to the low-level complaint of June 16.

‘There was therefore in no sense a continuing act of hostility from Mr Castley which had been triggered by the alleged harassment.

‘The claimant did not advance any arguments which could possibly lead us to conclude that the reason he was disciplined and then dismissed was his disability or race.

‘The reason he was dismissed is very clear, cogent and consistent with the treatment of other staff members who failed to make sales.’

Mr Evans says he will be appealing the decision of the panel. 

He said: ‘I’m going to appeal it, it’s not right. Reading through the judgement it’s not a fair reflection of the scenario.

‘I never asked to be called a fat ginger pikey, that is unwanted contact, which is the definition of race discrimination.

‘There is no consistency between judges. I put my faith in the justice system and I was 100 per cent honest and it’s been proven they have lied on multiple occasions but for some reason the judge believed them.

‘The fact all their witness statements state ‘Romany Gypsy’ is evidence of collusion on their part as I’ve never stated that is my background.

‘I have had to fight every inch and feel the company have been beaten down with the number one employment lawyers in the country.’