California girl, 12, dies from infection thought to be flu

A 12-year-old girl has died from organ failure after doctors mistook her symptoms for the flu.

Doctors misdiagnosed a bacterial infection for the flu, assuming Alyssa Alcaraz was one of the thousands that has been infected with the virus this season.

After the original diagnosis, Alyssa stayed home from school for several days but her flu-like symptoms, including vomiting, continued.

It wasn’t until she died on December 17 that it was discovered the young girl had developed septic shock from a strep infection that caused her organs to fail.

Alyssa Alcaraz, 12, died in December when septic shock caused her organs to shut down from a strep infection in her blood, originally thought to be the flu 

Alyssa’s older sister Mariah Alcaraz told KFSN: ‘I remember she came home from school and she was throwing up and I thought ”oh she’s probably got food poisoning she’s going to be okay.”’

A trip to urgent care diagnosed her with the flu.

However, days passed without relief and the girl’s mother took her back to urgent care. 

That was when a doctor realized Alyssa’s oxygen levels were dangerously low.

She was immediately rushed to Kaweah Delta Medical Center in Visalia, California, but within hours Alyssa’s organs began shutting down and she coded six times, according to family. 

Her death certificate indicates that she went into cardiac arrest and septic shock from a strep bacteria that infected her blood stream.

But some of her symptoms leading up to her death did coincide with the flu.

While a strep blood infection would cause similar symptoms such as fever, body aches, fatigue and poor appetite, you would not experience common cold symptoms such as nasal congestion and coughing.

Alyssa suffered from group A streptococcal infection. This bacteria is often found on the surface of the skin and inside the throat, leading to the common strep throat.

In rare cases, the strep A bacteria can penetrate deeper inside the tissues and organs of the body, becoming an invasive infection.

The bacteria can enter through sores or breaks in the skin if not treated with the proper medication, which may be what happened to Alyssa. 

The infection typically begins to go away within 24 hours when treated with the proper antibiotics.

Strep can be spread by coming in contact with a cough or sneeze from someone infected which could be what caused Alyssa’s devastating diagnosis.

According to her obituary: ‘Alyssa had a passion for music, not a day went by that she wouldn’t sing her little heart out.’ 

Her obituary described Alyssa as a lover of music who wouldn't go a day without singing

Her obituary described Alyssa as a lover of music who wouldn’t go a day without singing