Germaine Greer defends accused actor Craig McLachlan

Feminist pioneer Germaine Greer has come to the defence of embattled actor Craig McLachlan.

Greer said the film, television and theatre star has been punished enough with the cancellation of his series The Doctor Blake Mysteries.

McLachlan has been accused of sexual misconduct by a number of women, including a TV show runner, a tanning salon worker, and three actresses.

Feminist pioneer Germaine Greer has come to the defence of embattled actor Craig McLachlan (pictured, centre)

Greer (pictured) said the film, television and theatre star has been punished enough with the cancellation of his series The Doctor Blake Mysteries

Greer (pictured) said the film, television and theatre star has been punished enough with the cancellation of his series The Doctor Blake Mysteries

‘He hasn’t been proved guilty of anything,’ said Greer during an interview with Hamish McDonald on Radio National. 

‘It used to be called making a pass at somebody … letting somebody know that you desire her, and if the answer’s “no” the answer’s “no”.’

‘Now it’s becoming if you’re in a position of power or influence, you can’t make a pass at somebody, because it will be considered to be inappropriate use of influence, force and so on.

‘How do you express desire without putting pressure on people?’ 

Greer (pictured) said McLachlan has not been proven guilty

McLachlan (pictured) has been accused of sexual misconduct by a number of women

McLachlan (pictured, right) has been accused of sexual misconduct by a number of women, but Greer (pictured, left) said he has not been proven guilty

She slammed the Sydney Morning Herald for publishing a book excerpt with a graphic depiction of McLachlan’s behaviour, and called the media irresponsible.

Greer, one of the most influential feminists of the twentieth century, said there needed to be a more rational approach to sexual assault.

While she applauded the women coming forward as part of the ‘me too’ movement, she said she fears many will lose in court as they still lack power.

Greer said US President Donald Trump is ‘really interesting’ because he does not ‘do what he is told’ and because ‘no one can control him’.

Greer lammed the Sydney Morning Herald for publishing a book excerpt with a graphic depiction of McLachlan's (pictured) behaviour

Greer lammed the Sydney Morning Herald for publishing a book excerpt with a graphic depiction of McLachlan’s (pictured) behaviour

Calling the system ‘corrupt’, Greer said President Trump was effective where blue collar workers were concerned, and said he outplaying the establishment.

Nor did she seem impressed at the prospects of an Oprah Winfrey presidency, saying a low bar was already set with the election of Ronald Reagan.

Christie Whelan Browne, Angela Scundi and Erika Heynatz, who appeared in the 2014 production of the Rocky Horror Show, said McLachlan inappropriately touched them or exposed himself.

McLachlan has not spoken publicly since the original allegations were raised, but has described them as ‘baseless’ and ‘inventions’ in a statement.  

Christie Whelan Browne (pictured), Angela Scundi  and Erika Heynatz, accused McLachlan of misconduct

Christie Whelan Browne, Angela Scundi (pictured) and Erika Heynatz accused McLachlan of misconduct

Christie Whelan Browne (pictured, left), Angela Scundi (pictured, right) and Erika Heynatz, said McLachlan inappropriately touched them or exposed himself

A runner on a TV drama, who was 22 at the time, says McLachlan made lewd remarks about her breasts while she was driving him to the airport in 2008.

Meanwhile a tanning salon worker says he tongue-kissed her without her permission in 2004 , Fairfax Media and the ABC reported.  

On Wednesday The Rocky Horror Show boss vowed his production company will do more to enforce a culture where no-one fears speaking out after allegations were raised.

Gordon Frost Organisation (GFO) managing director John Frost has apologised to the three women who made the allegations, and says he’s glad they came forward so their claims can be properly investigated. 

McLachlan (centre, legs crossed, pictured with the cast of the Rocky Horror Show) has not spoken publicly since the original allegations were raised, but has described them as 'baseless' and 'inventions' in a statement

McLachlan (centre, legs crossed, pictured with the cast of the Rocky Horror Show) has not spoken publicly since the original allegations were raised, but has described them as ‘baseless’ and ‘inventions’ in a statement