Malcolm Turnbull’s tribute to bullied suicide victim Dolly

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has paid tribute to the 14-year-old who took her own life after an onslaught of bullying – saying she will never be forgotten.

Amy ‘Dolly’ Everett’s family are in mourning after their ‘precious little angel’ died by suicide on January 3 following vile abuse by social media trolls.  

‘Dolly, you are loved and you will never be forgotten,’ Mr Turnbull said in a statement on Thursday. 

His remarks followed a viral Facebook post where Dolly’s father, Tick, invited her tormentors to come along to witness the Northern Territory family’s devastation. 


Amy Everett, known as Dolly, took her own life at 14 following the taunts of online bullies. She was the face of hat brand Akubra in past Christmas advertisements for the brand (pictured)

'You are loved and you will never be forgotten': Amy Everett, in a more recent picture

‘You are loved and you will never be forgotten’: Amy Everett, in a more recent picture

A grandfather-of-three, Mr Turnbull said the teen’s death had left him heart broken and called for ‘more work’ to be done to fight cyberbullying. 

‘From pain and loss we must renew our commitment to say no to bullying,’ he said. 

‘Any life lost to bullying, especially someone as young as Dolly, just 14 years old, is one too many. 

‘Dolly’s passing highlights the devastating impact that bullying can have on its victims.’ 

The government, health groups and internet service providers had to try harder to stop cyberbullying, he said. 

Dolly had been the face of the iconic Australian hat brand, Akubra, and had starred in previous Christmas advertisements. 


Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said more work needs to be done to fight cyberbullying

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said more work needs to be done to fight cyberbullying

‘Dolly, you are loved and you will never be forgotten.

As a parent and as a grandparent, my heart breaks for Dolly and her family. From pain and loss we must renew our commitment to say no to bullying.

Any life lost to bullying, especially someone as young as Dolly, just 14 years old, is one too many.

Dolly’s passing highlights the devastating impact that bullying can have on its victims.

Every step must be taken to reduce the incidence of bullying, whether offline or on, and eliminate it wherever we can.

The rise of online social media platforms present new challenges.

Cyber bullies can harass and intimidate their victims from any location and at any time of the day.

It is why we established the office of the eSafety Commissioner – to tackle this issue head on and to work with internet companies to promote safety online.

But much more work is needed, from governments, health groups and the internet companies themselves, to prevent cyberbullying, stop it when it occurs and to minimise its impact when it does occur.

Visit for more information or to access the complaints service for young Australians who experience cyberbullying.

Lucy and my thoughts are with Dolly’s parents, Kate and Tick, family and friends at this very sad time.

In a statement to Daily Mail Australia, Tick, mother Kate and older sister Meg described her as the ‘kindest, caring, beautiful soul’. 

‘She was always caring for animals, small children, other children at boarding school who were less fortunate than herself,’ the family said.

‘Out of all the sadness that the loss of our daughter has brought to our lives, we feel that through losing Dolly we would like to help other families by making an awareness of bullying and harassment that some people are sadly subject to.  

Loved by her family: Dolly (right) with father Tick and sister Meg - who remembered the 'beautiful soul' in a statement with mother Kate on Wednesday

Loved by her family: Dolly (right) with father Tick and sister Meg – who remembered the ‘beautiful soul’ in a statement with mother Kate on Wednesday

The family has set up a trust Dolly’s Dream in an effort to stop other children from taking their lives. 

Dolly will be laid to rest on Friday. 

Her parents and sister asked mourners to wear blue, the teenager’s favourite colour.

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