Rick Springfield on struggle with depression and suicide

He’s the Australian rocker that achieved international notoriety with his 80s single, Jessie’s Girl.

And having previously revealed his struggle with depression and suicide, Rick Springfield told SiriusXM just recently, that he considered ending his life last year.

‘Last year I was close to it, really close to it,’ the 68-year-old shared on radio. 


‘I was really close to it’: Rick Springfield, 68, spoke candidly on his lifelong struggle with depression, and admitted that he considered suicide last year, during a recent interview on SiriusXM

Promoting his upcoming album The Snake King, with one track detailing his lifelong battle with depression and suicide, Rick said: ‘[The track] Suicide Manifesto is stuff I think about. I’ve been close to it [suicide].’

‘When Robin Williams and Chester [Bennington and Chris Cornell] and those guys [committed suicide] I didn’t go “Oh, that’s terrible”. I went, “I get it”. I get being that lost and dark…You’re in so much pain that you just want it to end,’ the musician explained.

Now managing the mental illness with medication and meditation, Rick said that he no longer puts on a façade and is open on how he’s feeling.

Candid comments: Promoting his upcoming album The Snake King, with one track detailing his lifelong battle with depression and suicide, Rick said: '[The track] Suicide Manifesto is stuff I think about. I've been close to it [suicide]' 

Candid comments: Promoting his upcoming album The Snake King, with one track detailing his lifelong battle with depression and suicide, Rick said: ‘[The track] Suicide Manifesto is stuff I think about. I’ve been close to it [suicide]’ 

The award-winning artist continued: 'When Robin Williams and Chester [Bennington and Chris Cornell] and those guys [committed suicide] I didn't go "Oh, that's terrible". I went, "I get it". I get being that lost and dark...You're in so much pain that you just want it to end' 

The award-winning artist continued: ‘When Robin Williams and Chester [Bennington and Chris Cornell] and those guys [committed suicide] I didn’t go “Oh, that’s terrible”. I went, “I get it”. I get being that lost and dark…You’re in so much pain that you just want it to end’ 

‘We’ve all had the social front and it just makes me feel like such a liar when I go home and I look in the mirror and I go “Really? You said that to somebody? That everything’s great and you’re feeling awesome? That’s bulls**t”.’

The entertainer, full name Richard Lewis Springthorpe, went on to add: ‘I’m at the point now in my life where I want to do what’s truthful.’ 

This is not the first time Rick has spoken candidly of his struggle with depression and suicide.

Managing everyday life: Now managing the mental illness with medication and meditation, Rick said that he no longer puts on a façade and is open as to how he's feeling

Managing everyday life: Now managing the mental illness with medication and meditation, Rick said that he no longer puts on a façade and is open as to how he’s feeling

Revelation: This is not the first time Rick has spoken candidly of his struggle with depression and suicide. During an interview with Kerri-Anne Kennerley for Sunday Night in September 2016, the lyricist revealed he tried to hang himself at age 16, with his parents in denial 

Revelation: This is not the first time Rick has spoken candidly of his struggle with depression and suicide. During an interview with Kerri-Anne Kennerley for Sunday Night in September 2016, the lyricist revealed he tried to hang himself at age 16, with his parents in denial 

During an interview with Kerri-Anne Kennerley for Sunday Night in September 2016, the lyricist revealed he tried to hang himself at age 16, with his parents in denial.    

‘I was depressed from the time I was 14. I was just the artistic, moody guy,’ he explained, adding: ‘I tried to hang myself at 16 and the rope broke.’   

The Sydney-born entertainer said his parents initially ‘didn’t know’ about his attempted suicide and that his ‘mum still doesn’t believe it.’

He shared on-air: 'I was depressed from the time I was 14. I was just the artistic, moody guy,' he explained, adding: 'I tried to hang myself at 16 and the rope broke' 

He shared on-air: ‘I was depressed from the time I was 14. I was just the artistic, moody guy,’ he explained, adding: ‘I tried to hang myself at 16 and the rope broke’ 

Loved ones: Rick said his parents initially 'didn't know' about his attempted suicide and that his 'mum still doesn't believe it'

Loved ones: Rick said his parents initially ‘didn’t know’ about his attempted suicide and that his ‘mum still doesn’t believe it’

Later in the interview, Rick revealed that he once took money out of his piggy bank ‘to go and buy a gun’ in order to shoot himself. 

Not going through with it, the award-winning performer confessed that music saved him from re-entering the dark days, because he ‘can’t not feel good’ when he finishes a song.  

If you are experiencing depressive or suicidal thoughts, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 or beyondblue on 1300 22 4636. 

Power of music: The lyricist went on to confess that after buying a gun, he did not go through with suicide as music saved him from re-entering the dark days. Rick explained that he  'can't not feel good' when he finishes a song 

Power of music: The lyricist went on to confess that after buying a gun, he did not go through with suicide as music saved him from re-entering the dark days. Rick explained that he ‘can’t not feel good’ when he finishes a song 

Fame: Rick achieved international notoriety with his 80s track, Jessie's Girl

Fame: Rick achieved international notoriety with his 80s track, Jessie’s Girl

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