Which are the Most Common Orthopedic Conditions in Newborns?

Orthopedic conditions not only occur due to trauma or with increasing age. These conditions could be from birth only and it is very challenging to fix these conditions in newborns. Not only for the baby, but it could be problematic for parents as well.

If orthopedic conditions in newborns are identified without any delay, they could be treated without any surgery but, if delayed, surgery could be the last option.

It is noticed that some of the orthopedic conditions in newborns occur during fetal development while some occur during delivery. Our goal to create this post is to discuss some most common orthopedic conditions that could be seen in Newborns.

Hip Dysplasia

This is the condition in which the hip socket does not completely cover the upper thigh bone, also known as the femur. This condition impairs the alignment of the ball and socket of the hip and due to this, normal development of the joint will not occur.

Early diagnosis of this condition could help in the effective treatment. If not diagnosed timely, it could cause serious complications to the mobility of the child when he/she grows old.

A hip click test is performed to diagnose this condition. In most cases, no orthopaedic implants are required for the treatment of this condition, rather, a brace known as Pavlik harness is used.

This brace is applied to secure the hip properly so that normal growth could occur. If the brace could not provide expected results, surgery may be required and it will only be performed when the baby is above one year old.


Clubfoot is another common orthopedic condition that is seen in newborns. It is a birth defect in which the feet of the baby are pointed downward and inward. The reason for this condition is too short tendons on the back and inside the feet.

Due to this, the feet of the baby are pointed inward. As the bone and joint flexibility in babies are high, this condition could be treated without any surgery. For that, the doctors generally use a technique known as the Ponseti method.

Ponseti method is a manipulation technique in which tendons, ligaments, and joint capsules are made soft gradually, and after each treatment, a cast is applied to hold everything in place.

This is done until the bones and the joint come into correct alignment. Studies have shown that this takes around two months to achieve expected results, but the time could vary with each baby.

Metatarsus Adductus

This is the condition in which the front half of the foot is turned inwards. This is one of the most common foot deformities that could be seen in newborns. Metatarsus Adductus is also characterized by the bean-shaped appearance of the foot.

Here, a positive thing is that over 90% of cases of this condition do not require any treatment as with time, healing occurs on its own. In some children, this condition also poses a risk of hip dysplasia if not corrected properly.

Thus, it is very important to diagnose this condition in the early phase and the doctor will show how to perform passive manipulation exercises to properly correct the misalignment. Surgery will only be required in the most serious cases.

Siora Surgicals Pvt. Ltd. is a reliable orthopedic implant manufacturer in India. Siora manufactures an extensive range of orthopedic devices including an External Fixator System, Condylar Plate, and Titanium Bone Screws.

With implants, instruments, and external fixators approved by the Malaysian Medical Device Authority (MDA), Siora Surgicals is also known as a reliable orthopedic supplier Malaysia.