What is Ivermectin and how does it work?

Ivermectin is safe to use, so safe it is on the WHO’s List of the World’s Most Essential Medicines. It can also be used by pregnant women and children and has no known interactions with other medications.

Currently, it is difficult to find Ivermectin in England, Scotland, Ireland, or Wales. The NIH claim that it has not been thoroughly tested for treatment of covid-19, however, the experimental injections that have also very limited safety testing are definitely “safe and effective” despite many reports coming out to state the exact opposite is true.

There are currently a lot of people in Great Britain importing Ivermectin from overseas, with deliveries able to get through UK customs with limited reported issues thus far.

The spokesperson of FirstMedInc, an online medical reseller that currently ships internationally into the UK, talked about the current demand and safety of the medicine.

“As long as people take the correct dosage, as recommended and is prescribed by a lot of doctors who are going against the mainstream narrative, there should be no problems taking Ivermectin.

The medicine is safe and has been used by millions in billions of doses, for most of the last 50 years. Ensure you take the correct dosage, and the chance of side effects are much lower than other treatments for covid.” Dr. Johansen said.

A Brief History of Ivermectin

Ivermectin is a medication that is most commonly used to treat parasites. It was first developed in the 1970s and has been used ever since as a reliable way to cleanse the body of worms and other nasties.

Ivermectin is safe to use, so safe it is on the WHO’s List of the World’s Most Essential Medicines. It can also be used by pregnant women and children and has no known interactions with other medications.

It has a wide safety margin, meaning the difference between a safe dose and a toxic one is very large – although the pharma-funded media would have you believe otherwise.

Ivermectin belongs to a class of medications called endectocides, substances that kill parasites but are safe for humans and other animals. It kills both internal and surface-dwelling parasites including roundworms, as well as various arthropods such as head lice.

Many people taking Ivermectin experimentally for coronavirus or for use as a preventative treatment have reported other health benefits too, as almost everyone has some internal parasites inside them which can cause a plethora of health problems if left unchecked.

Purchasing from Pharmacies in the UK

Prior to 2020, Ivermectin could easily be purchased over the counter from local drug stores in almost any country around the world. As of now, it is only available by prescription in Great Britain and Ireland, even though a few years ago anyone could buy it easily.

Doctors are also under a lot of pressure to not prescribe it, some having been threatened with having their medical licenses revoked if they do, so it’s hard to get a script for it even if you need to use it as an anti-parasitic – what it was originally developed for.

This leaves people who want to acquire it little choice than to attempt to order it online, which leaves them open to the risk of getting scammed or sold counterfeit products.