Boris Johnson’s pledge to get every adult a booster jab by New Year looks a bust

Boris Johnson’s plan to get every adult boosted by the end of the year descended into chaotic disarray today despite Sajid Javid boasting of a record 900k jabs being administered.

The pledge to jab 1m adults a day has still not been hit, and it now means 2.1m adults must receive a booster every day – including on Christmas Day an Boxing Day – if the government has any hope of achieving its target. 

Official figures show a daily record of 986,689 were vaccinated on Saturday, including 904,598 receiving booster jabs. Health Secretary Sajid Javid had previously said 906,656 received their vaccines, with more than 830,000 receiving boosters, but later on Sunday evening the figures were updated to include the higher numbers.

The new figures mean that more than 28million people in the UK have now received a booster jab, but there are still more than 26million people aged over 18 who are yet to have their third dose.

It means that now more than 2million adults need to be vaccinated every day for the PM to hit his target, including bank holidays Christmas Day and Boxing Day.

Launching what he described as the ‘Omicron Emergency Boost’ last week, Mr Johnson said everyone over the age of 18 would be offered their booster before the New Year and that in order to deliver the necessary jabs by the end of the year ‘we’ll need to match the NHS’s best vaccination day yet – and then beat it day after day’.

At the time, 23,124,829 people – 40.2 per cent of people aged 12 and over in the UK – had received a booster jab, meaning the rollout would have needed to administer around one million jabs a day to hit the PM’s target.

However, in the six days since Mr Johnson’s announcement, around 5million more people have received their booster – approximately 830,000 people each day – which is well below the numbers required to achieve Mr Johnson’s pledge. 

The figures come as Mr Javid hit out at people who have chosen not to be vaccinated against coronavirus as they ‘take up hospital beds’ that could be used for patients in need.

Nearly a million coronavirus jabs were delivered in England yesterday, Sajid Javid revealed today as he criticised unvaccinated people for refusing to get protected

The Health Secretary said on Twitter that a new daily record of 906,656 people were vaccinated, including more than 830,000 receiving booster jabs

The Health Secretary said on Twitter that a new daily record of 906,656 people were vaccinated, including more than 830,000 receiving booster jabs

Mr Javid criticised those who are eligible for a jab but have decided not to take up the offer, saying they are having a ‘damaging impact’ on others.

He said 10 per cent of the eligible population – more than five million people – still had not received their jabs, and around nine out of 10 of those needing the most care in hospital were unvaccinated.

Speaking on Trevor Phillips On Sunday on Sky News, he said: ‘I just cannot emphasise enough the impact that they are having on the rest of society.

‘They must really think about the damage they are doing to society by… they take up hospital beds that could have been used for someone with maybe a heart problem, or maybe someone who is waiting for elective surgery.

‘But instead of protecting themselves and protecting the community they choose not to get vaccinated.

‘They are really having a damaging impact and I just can’t stress enough, please do come forward and get vaccinated.’

On Sunday, thousands of Britons queued up at vaccination centres around the country to get a jab

On Sunday, thousands of Britons queued up at vaccination centres around the country to get a jab

Figures based on data from the UK’s health agencies for vaccinations delivered up to December 5, showed that of the 57.5 million people in the UK aged 12 and over and therefore eligible for a first dose of Covid-19 vaccine, 51.1 million had received one jab (89 per cent) while 6.4 million (11 per cent) had not.

Across the four UK nations as of that date, Scotland had the lowest proportion of eligible people still unvaccinated (9 per cent), followed by Wales (10 per cent), England (11 per cent) and Northern Ireland (14 per cent).

Some people are unable to be vaccinated for medical reasons, such as those with severe allergies to all currently available jabs, and can apply for a medical exemption.

On Sunday, thousands of Britons queued up at vaccination centres around the country to get a jab. 

Images showed lengthy queues outside Wembley stadium as people waited to receive the vaccine inside. 

Yesterday, the number of people in hospital nationally with the Omicron variant rose by 20 to 85 and cases increased by 69 per cent in a day with another 10,059 infections recorded.

Overall, Britain recorded another 90,418 Covid cases – a 67 per cent rise on the figure seven days ago. 

Deaths from Covid-19 fell by five per cent on last week, to 125 from last Saturday’s 132, although they had risen by 21 compared to Friday’s figure. 

A further 900 people were admitted to hospital with Covid, not much higher than the 865 daily average for the past seven days. 

There were also 125 Covid-related deaths, just above the 112 daily average for the past week. Overall, there have been seven Omicron-related deaths.