Waiter who claimed he was illegitimate child of Spain’s former king drops dead at a bar

A waiter who claimed he was one of the illegitimate children of Spain’s former King Juan Carlos has died at a bar over the weekend.

Albert Sola collapsed on Saturday after ordering a glass of wine at the bar in the town of La Bisbal d’Emporda near the Catalan city of Girona where he lived.

The 66-year-old, pronounced dead at the scene around 10pm on Saturday night, had gone to meet a friend at a bar called Pa i Trago after finishing work.

The former king, a guest at Queen Elizabeth’s funeral last month, was dubbed a sex addict in an explosive 2016 book which called him ‘The King of 5,000 lovers.’ 

Father-of-two Mr Sola had previously joined forces with Belgian housewife Ingrid Sartiau, who has spent years trying to prove she is Juan Carlos’s daughter.

Mr Sola used DNA tests showing a 99 percent match with the 84-year-old, now based in Abu Dhabi after being implicated in a string of corruption scandals, to fight for official recognition of their blood link.

Former Spanish King Juan Carlos in 2016

Waiter Albert Sola (left) claimed to be the illegitimate son of Spain’s former king Juan Carlos (right)

Spain’s Supreme Court refused to admit his paternity lawsuit in 2015 after ruling the tests invalid and an appeal to the country’s Constitutional Court failed.

Mr Sola, who was adopted as a child and claimed Spain’s former king met his birth mother during a trip to Barcelona in the 1950s from a military academy in Zaragoza where he was studying at the time, said despite his court defeat: ‘I’m convinced I’m Juan Carlos’s son.’

He paired up with 56-year-old Mrs Sartiau after she contacted him over the internet.

Mrs Sartiau, 56, who claimed her mother revealed details of their ‘one-night stand’ in Luxembourg in 1966 and told her: ‘That man’s your father’ when his face flashed up on TV, also had her paternity lawsuit thrown out by Spain’s Supreme Court.

She has continued to insist Juan Carlos, who abdicated in 2014 after nearly 40 years on the throne, is her dad.

A woman who witnessed Mr Sola’s sudden death told Spanish press: ‘He arrived with a friend, asked for a glass of wine, took hold of it and when he was heading to the table the friend was already sitting at, he keeled over. He didn’t even have time to try the wine.’

The 'sex-addict' former King Juan Carlos of Spain arrives at Westminster Abbey for the Queen's funeral on September 19

The ‘sex-addict’ former King Juan Carlos of Spain arrives at Westminster Abbey for the Queen’s funeral on September 19

Police sources have already said they believe he died of natural causes, although the results of the post-mortem have not yet been made public.

Former Spanish police chief Jose Manuel Villarejo claimed in October last year while he was on trial over a blackmail case that Juan Carlos was injected with female hormones while he was still on the throne to control his rampant sex drive.

He also said the monarch was given testosterone blockers after his libido was categorised as a ‘state problem.’

In an explosive book published in 2016 called Juan Carlos: The King of 5,000 Lovers, Spanish society writer Amadeo Martinez Ingles dubbed the ex-king a sex addict and said he had hundreds of relationships even after his marriage to Felipe’s mother, Queen Sofia.

He claimed to have had 62 lovers in one six-month period alone, and in what Mr Martinez Ingles called his ‘passionate period’ between 1976 and 1994, said he had slept with a staggering 2,154 women.

King Juan Carlos I attends the NBA Abu Dhabi basketball game between the Milwaukee Bucks and the Atlanta Hawks in the UAE on Saturday

King Juan Carlos I attends the NBA Abu Dhabi basketball game between the Milwaukee Bucks and the Atlanta Hawks in the UAE on Saturday

Spanish royal family expert Pilar Eyre has said in the past Juan Carlos made a ‘tactile’ advance towards Princess Diana when she was just 25.

Diana herself denied anything untoward had happened but admitted that while the libidinous king was ‘charming’ he could be a ‘little too attentive.’

In January 2017 it was claimed spymasters paid a former Miss World contestant millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money to stop her spilling the beans on her supposed affair with Juan Carlos when he was still the king of Spain.

Juan Carlos left Spain for Abu Dhabi more than two years ago after Swiss prosecutors opened an investigation into bank accounts he allegedly held in tax havens.

He accepted a private invitation to attend Queen Elizabeth’s funeral with his wife Queen Sofia, leading to criticism by Spanish left-wing politicians.

His son and Felipe VI’s former journalist wife Queen Letizia attended the September 19 funeral on an official basis

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