A mother has revealed the remarkable strength of her baby boy, after the thriving ‘little fighter’ was born so prematurely he had to be placed in a plastic bag.
Christina Hahn, 27, gave birth to tiny Markcus Cropper Jr. weighing just one pound and 10.1 ounces when she was just 23 weeks and six days pregnant.
The 7.8 inches-long infant was so small in fact, he had to be transported to an incubator in a plastic sack, which is about the same size a pencil case.
Premature: A mom gave birth to a baby born so prematurely, he had to be placed in a plastic bag to prevent him from getting hypothermia

Newborn: Christina Hahn gave birth to Markcus Cropper Jr. who was born 7.8 inches long and was so small, he had to be transported to an incubator in a plastic sack the size a pencil case
But mom-of-one Christina, posted a comparison photo this week of little Markcus, now five months old, weighing a healthier 12 pounds.
Christina and the tot’s father Markcus Sr., 20, were overwhelmed during their 81-day stay at the hospital unit and the dedication of nurses and doctors.
Christina, of Chincoeeague Island, Virginia, said, ‘It was so so scary giving birth and then asking “is he dead?” He was just so so small.

Parents: Christina, (right) and the father, Markcus Sr., 20, (pictured) visited the baby 12 hours-a-day, every day for 81 days at the hospital he was being treated at, which was two hours away
‘At lots of points we both thought that we would lose him and he pulled through. It was a miracle.’
Markcus had been due on November 13 of last year, but unfortunately Christina’s water broke at 23 weeks.
She was then given drugs to stop her going into labor and hold onto 24 weeks so she could be fully admitted to her local hospital to give birth.
However, as she was sent home she got a call telling her that she had a spot at a hospital in Norsolk, a two hour drive away.

Baby: Tiny Markcus was born weighing just one pound and 10.1 ounces when Christina was just 23 weeks and six days pregnant

Birth: Markcus was born at Children’s Hospital of The Kings Daughter, Norsolk, Virginia, on July 23, 2017 and is thankfully healthy, apart from a potential hearing problem in his right ear
Christina, a retail worker, said she was told by neonatal teams that there was a good chance her newborn would not survive.
Describing the moment she gave birth, Christina said, ‘The first thing I said was “is he alive?” because it was so scary.
‘It was weird seeing him in the bag, but it kept him from getting hypothermia.
‘That was only a short time until he was put in an incubator cot.
‘Markcus then needed lots of steroid shots for his lungs to work properly because they were so under developed.’

Pregnancy: Christina (pictured at 22 weeks pregnant), was supposed to give birth on November 13 of last year, but unfortunately her water broke at 23 weeks

Lucky: Christina shared, ‘Two days before I gave birth the neonatal team told me that due to the age of gestation, it was only 50 per cent survival rates outside the womb for Markus’

Miracle: ‘At lots of points we both thought that we would lose him and he pulled through. It was a miracle,’ said Christina, of Chincoeeague Island, Virginia
Markcus was born at Children’s Hospital of The Kings Daughter, Norsolk, Virginia, on July 23, 2017.
The two hour drive meant the new parents had to stay at the McDonald’s Ronald charity center and were at the hospital visiting Markcus for 12 hours-a-day every day for 81 days.
Speaking about her nightmare pregnancy, she said, ‘My waters broke early and she said, “I can’t admit you until you are 24 weeks” and sent me home.

Strong: The couple calls baby Markcus their ‘thriving little fighter,’ and said ‘We are so lucky, a lot of other parents have the heartbreak of going through a lot of other operations’

Happy family: Markcus is now five months old and is weighing a healthier 12 pounds and Christina gushed, ‘Markcus is adorable, I am so proud of him’
‘They called me up and said there is a hospital that can help me from 22 weeks and the babies usually survive, so that was great.
‘I don’t think he would have survived if I would have waited another day. So, we had to do the two hour journey to the hospital.
‘Two days before I gave birth the neonatal team told me that due to the age of gestation, it was only 50 per cent survival rates outside the womb for Markus.’
But the pint-sized fighter is now blossoming with life and Christina’s comparison pictures have been shared and liked by thousands of other young moms.
A lot of premature, or ‘premie,’ babies as Christina likes to call them, are born with other issues, but they’re fortunate that Markcus has no other ailments following his early entry into the world.
However, doctors say Markcus is really healthy apart from a potential hearing problem in his right ear.
Christina said, ‘We are so lucky, a lot of other parents have the heartbreak of going through a lot of other operations with heart defects and things.
‘Markcus is adorable, I am so proud of him. He’s my little fighter.’