A German mother and her young lover who smuggled cocaine into Australia hug and kiss in court

A mother and her young lover kissed in court on Friday after being separated since trying to smuggle cocaine into Sydney.

Sami Trabelsi, 38, and Snjezana Stein, 50, were caught trying to smuggle the drug cocaine through the Sydney Airport in the lining of their suitcases in April 2017. 

The couple were originally charged with importing 4kg of the drug, but now face charges of importing the amount contained in their respective suitcases, news.com.au reported.   

Sami Trabelsi, 38 (pictured left) and Snjezana Stein, 50 (pictured right), were caught trying to smuggle the drug cocaine through the Sydney Airport in the lining of their suitcases in April 2017

The publication reported the couple kissed in the court dock on Friday after being largely separated since their arrest.

Stein, 12 years older than her young lover, smiled at Trabelsi and touched him on the arm as he was brought into court.

The couple appeared to still be in love as they face up to 25 years in prison for attempting to bring the cocaine into Australia.

In April 2017, the couple flew more than 16,000 kilometres from Dusseldorf, Germany’s seventh biggest city, on a 20-hour flight to Australia before being caught.

The couple were originally charged with importing 4kg of the drug, but now face charges of importing the amount contained in their suitcases (pictured) 

The couple were originally charged with importing 4kg of the drug, but now face charges of importing the amount contained in their suitcases (pictured) 

They were selected for baggage examination which ‘found anomalies’ in the suitcase linings, after which the powder was found and tested positive for cocaine. 

The Australian Federal Police then tested the weight, purity and street value of the drugs. 

The couple have pleaded guilty to smuggling the amount of cocaine found in their suitcases. 

But the judge has delayed sentencing for the German couple until August after Trabelsi’s lawyer argued Legal Aid NSW had only just been handed his file.

‘It’s regrettable,’ the judge said in court. 

‘People on remand have very little opportunity to do rehabilitation programs until they are sentenced.’

The couple (pictured) were selected for baggage examination which 'found anomalies' in the suitcase linings, after which the powder was found and tested positive for cocaine

The couple (pictured) were selected for baggage examination which ‘found anomalies’ in the suitcase linings, after which the powder was found and tested positive for cocaine

The judge has delayed sentencing for the mother, from Germany, and her younger lover from Tunisia, until August

The judge has delayed sentencing for the mother, from Germany, and her younger lover from Tunisia, until August


Read more at DailyMail.co.uk