A Guide to Red Borneo Kratom

One of the most popular red kratom strains out there is Red Borneo Kratom. Native to the Island of Borneo, this leaf comes from the Mitragyna Species tree.

This type of tree provides leaves with different colored veins that give the different kratoms its names. Red Borneo is named after the Island, of course, and after the red veins on the leaves. It contains 25 different alkaloids that give kratom its varied potent results.

It is similar to a coffee plant and is known to have some of the same effects as coffee. It can be a great substitute for other caffeinated products as it isn’t known to make you drowsy if you take the correct amount of dosage.

A big plus is that it’s all-natural as well, providing few to no negative side effects depending on the usage amount.

See more about Red Dragon Kratom and how this powder can help you attain a strong immune system, improve bone strength, and flexibility of joints.

Red Borneo Effects

Red Borneo has been used for thousands of years and has been great for plenty of reasons. It is best for relaxation of the body and mind as well as pain relief. Here’s a list of some of the effects and health issues it’s commonly used for:

  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Arthritis pain
  • Chronic pain
  • Alleviate minor headaches
  • Increased Focus
  • Increased energy
  • Relaxation and calming effect

Although it does not create an opiate-like effect, this can be a good thing as it won’t create heavy sedation. You can still possibly get a euphoric feeling depending on what other strains you mix it with as well as the amount you take.


The dosage amount will vary from person to person. Keep in mind that highly potent Red Borneo Kratom will require you to start with smaller doses, but you can always build it up if you don’t feel it’s as effective.

Your weight, age, and sex can be contributing factors to the dosage amount.

For beginners, you can start off with about 2 grams. This should be enough to get you started with the enjoyable experiences that Red Vein Borneo can provide to all who use it.

It is recommended that daily or regular kratom users not exceed 7-12 grams. Of course, it would depend on your health, weight, and tolerance.

Usually, Red Vein Borneo Kratom works best on an empty stomach. This allows you to feel its maximum full potential of effects as it gets metabolized a lot quicker. To some, taking it on an empty stomach can provide some side effects such as nausea, tremors, and dizziness.

Always start off with a little and then you’ll be able to increase depending on your own experiences. You can consult a healthcare provider if you aren’t sure it’s safe for you. Although it is commonly a lot safer than most medicinal and over-the-counter products.


Kratom Krush has a variety of powders available to purchase, such as Green Borneo Kratom.

Taking the right dosage can be a great experience for first-time kratom users. It’s why it’s been loved and used for thousands of years and is growing in popularity worldwide.