Acid attacker is beaten up by a gang of vigilantes in east London

This shocking footage reveals the moment a gang of vigilantes beat a man in street after he tried to attack people with acid.

The suspect is shown being kicked to the ground outside Maryland train station in East London and battered with a plank of wood before having milk poured over him.

A mob claim to have caught him shortly after he had thrown acid inside a shop after someone refused to hand over some change. 

A mob claim to have caught him just before he could to commit an acid attack and also accused him of brandishing a flick-knife at them

Shocking footage reveals the moment a gang of vigilantes beat a man in street after they apparently stopped him from launching an acid attack

He manages to get back to his feet after the beating before fleeing the scene on his rental bike.

The witness who filmed the attack, who asked to remain anonymous, said: ‘I saw someone on a bike wearing a mask go up to a guy coming out of the shop and say “Boss, give me some change”.

‘The guy he was talking to politely declined and then he said “at least let me take a drink”, but the guy told him to go away.

‘He then got off the bike and went straight for his pocket, pulled out a bottle and started throwing the substance inside the shop towards the guy’s direction.

‘He ended up taking the bottle and throwing it away then he and his pals started beating him up.

‘He got up wobbling everywhere then went in his pocket and took the knife out. Then he jumped on his bike and rode off.

‘Some of the substance hit the other guy in the eyes and he was complaining about having irritated eyes so we gave him water to wash his eyes and got him a cab to the hospital.’

It comes amid soaring rates of acid attacks across Britain, with more than one a day recorded in London alone last year.

Joanne Rand became the first person to be murdered with acid in the UK after she was splashed from head to toe by Xeneral Webster in June 2017.

The suspect is shown being kicked to the ground outside a London railway station and battered with a plank of wood before having milk poured over him

The man squirms on the floor

The suspect is shown being kicked to the ground outside a London railway station and battered with a plank of wood before having milk poured over him (pictured left and right)

A second video shows the man back on his feet appearing to threaten the mob as somebody says: 'He has a knife in his hand. Leave him'

The man makes his way back to his rental bike

A second video shows the man back on his feet appearing to threaten the mob as somebody says: ‘He has a knife in his hand. Leave him’

He manages to get back to his feet after the beating before fleeing the scene on his bike, with police later telling MailOnline they could find no record of the incident

The man rides off

He manages to get back to his feet after the beating before fleeing the scene on his bike, with police later telling MailOnline they could find no record of the incident

And last December, Arthur Collins – the ex-boyfriend of reality TV star Ferne McCann – was jailed for 20 years for an acid attack in a nightclub in Dalston, East London.

Law change planned on acid possession

The Government hopes to make it a criminal offence to possess corrosive substances in a public place.

It also wants to consult on extending stop and search powers so police can use the tactics to seize acid from suspects carrying it without good reason.

The plans form part of a strategy first announced last year, which Home Secretary Amber Rudd said in April would be a ‘comprehensive approach necessary to make sure that our sons and daughters are protected and our streets are safe’. 

She added at the time: ‘As a Government, we will never stand by while acid is thrown or knives wielded.’

Footage of the latest incident was filmed by a witness, who shared it on Facebook.

It shows the the alleged acid attacker lying face down in the road outside Maryland railway station in Stratford, surrounded by a group of men.

As he stands up a man kicks him back to the tarmac and somebody in the crowd shouts: ‘Kill him, bro.’

Another man attempts to intervene but the first man continues to kick and stomp him while he is down, making him scream out in pain. 

The cameraman warns: ‘Yo, if you bring acid ever again.’

A second man then douses the suspect with what appears to be milk and boots him in the back.

The crowd shouts: ‘Kill him, bruv. P****.’ Somebody then strikes him with a plank of wood.

A second video shows the man back on his feet appearing to threaten the mob as somebody says: ‘He has a knife in his hand. Leave him.’

Joanne Rand

Arthur Collins

Joanne Rand (left) was the first person to be murdered with acid in the UK, while Arthur Collins (right) was jailed for 20 years for an acid attack in a nightclub

They then back off as he gets on his yellow rental bike and pedals away. 

The Metropolitan Police said it could find no record of the incident having been reported. 

* Did you see the incident? Please email: * 

Cruel assaults that have left victims disfigured for life

Model and presenter Katie Piper was brutally attacked by a man enlisted by her ex-boyfriend

Model and presenter Katie Piper was brutally attacked by a man enlisted by her ex-boyfriend

In recent years the headlines have been dominated by several high-profile acid attacks.

Model and presenter Katie Piper was brutally attacked by a man enlisted by her ex-boyfriend, David Lynch. In 2008 Stefan Sylvestre threw sulphuric acid at Miss Piper’s face.

The attack was caught on CCTV and both men were jailed indefinitely in 2009. Miss Piper had 250 operations to reconstruct her face.

Last November, the ex-boyfriend of reality TV star Ferne McCann was jailed for 20 years for a horrific nightclub acid attack which left 22 revellers injured. Arthur Collins hurled acid across a dance floor at the Mangle E8 club in east London last April. 

Collins was convicted of grievous bodily harm with intent and nine counts of actual bodily harm.

In June last year a woman celebrating her 21st birthday suffered ‘life-changing’ injuries after a man hurled acid at her and her cousin. 

Resham Khan suffered injuries to her face, eyes and legs after John Tomlin threw the corrosive substance over the pair as they sat in a car in east London. 

It happened after Miss Khan’s cousin Jameel Muhktar had an argument with Tomlin, who was jailed for 16 years in April.

Berlinah Wallace was jailed for life in May after her 2015 acid attack on ex-lover Mark van Dongen in Bristol left him with such terrible injuries that he ended his life at a euthanasia clinic.

In July Xeneral Webster, 19, was jailed for 17 years for manslaughter for killing dementia nurse Joanne Rand in Frogmoor, High Wycombe.

Ms Rand was splashed with acid and died 11 days later from multiple organ failure after contracting septicaemia due to the burns. 

It was the UK’s first acid attack killing.