- A penguin has been filmed jumping onto an inflatable boat in Antarctic waters
- The adorable video was taken by Australian Antarctic expeditioner on Tuesday
- A team of researchers was collecting samples when eight penguins visited them
A cheeky penguin has paid a team of researchers an impromptu visit, leaping out of icy waters straight into their inflatable boat.
Australian Antarctic Program expeditioner Matt McKay caught the moment on video while the team were collecting water samples on Tuesday.
Stunning footage shows the curious Adélie penguin burst out of the water and land feet-first on the side of the boat.
A cheeky penguin (pictured) has decided to keep a team of researchers company, leaping out of icy waters straight into their inflatable boat

Australian Antarctic Program expeditioner Matt McKay caught the moment (pictured) on video while the team was collecting water samples on Tuesday
The black and white bird then waddled along the edge of the red inflatable before diving back into the icy water again.
The red stains on the ice nearby are made by regurgitated krill.
‘Adélie penguins gorge themselves on krill and then spit up what their stomach can’t fit in,’ the Antarctic Division said.
The adorable visitor came on board while Mr McKay and his fellow scientists were collecting water samples for a research project in Newcombe Bay.

His footage shows the curious penguin pop out of the water and land feet first on the side of the boat (pictured)
A total of eight curious penguins dropped in to visit the researchers on Tuesday, an Antarctic Division spokesperson told Daily Mail Australia.
The team of expeditioners from the Australian Antarctic Division is working out of Casey research station in a territory of Antarctica claimed by Australia.
Casey is the third Australian station to occupy a site on Vincennes Bay, and is located in the Windmill Islands, just outside the Antarctic Circle.
The Australian Antarctic Division conducts science and research projects at three bases in Antarctica: Casey, Mawson and Davis.

The black and white bird then waddled along the edge of the red inflatable before diving back into the icy water (pictured)