An African tourism firm has cashed in on Donald Trump’s controversial comments with a new, self-deprecating slogan.
The President made crass comments in immigration talks with lawmakers during which he called African nations and Haiti ‘s***holes’.
Zambia Tourism has responded by making it part of its advertising campaign – issuing a poster which reads: ‘Visit s***hole Zambia, where the only starts and stripes you’ll see are in the sky and on a zebra.’
The poster created by Zambia Tourism, which reads: ‘Visit s***hole Zambia, where the only starts and stripes you’ll see are in the sky and on a zebra.

Donald Trump (pictured) made crass comments in immigration talks with lawmakers during which he called African nations and Haiti ‘s***holes’

Zebras graze at The Livingstone Hotel in Zambia as the sun sets. The tourism board wrote a caveat to concerned residents saying: ‘The s***hole is a pure play on the latest comments to come from the US. ‘We most certainly do not see our precious country as anything less than spectacular’
In an additional dig at the President, the slogan continues: ‘Where beautiful vistas and breathtaking wildlife are our trump card.’
The advert also contains a disclaimer, which points out the post does not represent the opinions of the Zambia Tourism Agency, but some didn’t quite spot the irony.
Phil Barnes wrote: ‘Lived there for four and a half years in the mid-1970s and loved it until Rhodesian freedom fighters made us leave. But there’s no need for the s***hole heading.’
The tourism firm responded quickly to address the concerns, and wrote ‘The s***hole is a pure play on the latest comments to come from the US.
‘We most certainly do not see our precious country as anything less than spectacular. Thank you for being protective.’
The majority made the connection immediately, and Pavani Ganga said: ‘This ad sets a fine example of how to respond with dignity, resilience, and humor to the racist comment of Donald Trump.
‘That you are better than him is proved by your response. I, an American, together with my family applaud and thank you.’
Louisiana resident Robert M Watt said: ‘Excellent. Zambia is not only a beautiful country, but it’s people have a sense of humor and a welcoming attitude.’
And locals echoed the sentiment, with Melissa Mwilu saying: ‘Agreed – Zambia is nothing less than spectacular.’

Victoria Falls on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe. In an additional dig at the President, the slogan continues: ‘Where beautiful vistas and breathtaking wildlife are our trump card’
During the immigration talks, Trump took particular issue with the idea that people who’d fled to the US after disasters hit their homes in places such as El Salvador, Guatemala and Haiti would be allowed to stay as part of the deal, according to the people briefed on the conversation.
When it came to talk of extending protections for Haitians, Senator Dick Durbin said Trump replied, ‘We don’t need more Haitians’.
‘He said, “Put me down for wanting more Europeans to come to this country. Why don’t we get more people from Norway”‘ Durbin said.
Trump’s time at the White House has been shrouded in controversy with his critics claiming his indifference towards foreign nations crosses the border of what can be considered racism.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders defended her boss, saying NBC wouldn’t have run The Apprentice for 13 years had Trump been a racist
From his constant references to building a wall between Mexico and the US to ‘keep out rapists and drug dealers’ to his travel ban on Muslim countries – those who oppose him have had plenty of ammunition.
This week he appeared to put his foot in it once more when he made the crass ‘s***hole’ comments.
But the White House’s press secretary has insisted claims her bos is a racist are ‘outrageous’, citing the fact a national broadcaster ran his show for 13 years.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders said NBC wouldn’t have run The Apprentice for so long if Trump was racist.