All aboard! Sailor finds ingenious way to climb on his ship in Hailuoto, Finland, while it’s moving

  • Huge vessel makes its way along icy waters near the coast of Hailuoto in Finland 
  • With no life jacket on, sailor waits until the perfect moment to cling onto a rope 
  • Anxiously rocks back and forth on end of the pontoon before performing stunt

This is the ingenious moment a sailor climbs aboard a huge cargo ship while it’s still moving.

As the huge vessel makes its way along icy waters near the coast of Hailuoto in Finland, the brave seaman pushes a bridge over the water before standing on the edge.

With no life jacket on, the sailor waits until the perfect moment to cling onto a rope ladder and climb through a small hatch on the side of the boat.

With no life jacket on, the sailor waits until the perfect moment to cling onto a rope ladder and climb through a small hatch on the side of the cargo ship

He casually enters the door and the freighter continues on its journey to the snowy Port of Oulu.

As the video begins, the man in a high-viz jacket waits by the metal bridge with a colleague.

When the vessel gets closer they grab the pontoon and push it so it hangs over the waters – which has a thick layer of melted ice on top. 

After pushing a metal bridge over the water he waited on the edge until the rope ladder presented itself in front of him

He then grabbed a hold of it and boarded the freighter

 After pushing a metal bridge over the water he waited on the edge until the rope ladder presented itself in front of him before clinging on and boarding the freighter

He performed the daring stunt off the coast of Hailuoto in Finland where the land is covered in ice and snow

He performed the daring stunt off the coast of Hailuoto in Finland where the land is covered in ice and snow

The high-viz crew wait for the massive ship to get close enough before pushing the pontoon over the water

The high-viz crew wait for the massive ship to get close enough before pushing the pontoon over the water

One worker then holds the bridge while his friend makes his way to the edge, where he rocks back and forth in anticipation.

With one hand he clutches the ladder as soon as it lines up directly in front of him and enters the boat, making it look easy in the process. 

As the video ends the camera pans out and reveals the vast amounts of snow surrounding the ship.

One worker then holds the bridge while his friend makes his way to the edge, where he rocks back and forth in anticipation.

With one hand he clutches the ladder as soon as it lines up directly in front of him and enters the boat, making it look easy in the process

One worker then holds the bridge while his friend makes his way to the edge, where he rocks back and forth in anticipation.

The freighter ship continues on its journey to the the snowy Port of Oulu

The freighter ship continues on its journey to the the snowy Port of Oulu
