All you need to know about Candidiasis and its diet

Candida fungi and candida albicans are some types of fungi present almost everywhere in the environment, causing an infection called candidiasis.  These types of fungi can be present with other types of native bacteria that can cause the colonization in different regions of body like geointestinal tract, vagina and mouth.

Immune system of body keeps these bacteria under control. If the body moisture surrounding the native bacteria undergoes a change within its chemistry or acidity, this environment results in the growth of yeast and create the symptoms of Candidiasis that leads to different infections, illness. The effects of this infection highly depend upon the health and immunity of the person.

This yeast infection is usually limited to genital areas, skin and mouth but healthy people can also catch the symptoms. However, people with weak immunity and medications like corticosteroids or anticancer drugs are not only on the frontline of the attack of this yeast infection but are most likely to develop internal infections.

Areas of the body that are very much likely to develop this infection include:

Thrush: Candida fungi mostly effects the moist surface of body like inner mouth , inner checks and even tongue causing mouth infections also commonly known as thrush.

Esophagitis:  Esophagitis can also be caused through this infection as it can also spread through esophagus.

Cutaneous (skin) candidiasis: Candida can cause infections in areas that are moist but receive little ventilation or are seldom exposed to air.Diaper areas, hands of people wearing rubber gloves most of the time, groin and area under large breasts are most likely to catch the infection.

Vaginal yeast infections: It is not transmitted sexually but during a whole life span almost 75% of women are likely to have at least one infection.  Women who are pregnant or suffering from diabetes can have this infection.

Deep candidiasis (for example, candida sepsis): In some cases, this infection spreads within the blood and can affect the whole body. It is highly acceptable by the bodies of newborns or children born with low weights.  It can also occur in healthy people by some drugs or severe wounds.


Depending upon the area that is infected, candidiasis shows different symptoms.

Thrush: It causes whitish patches inside the mouth, tongue around lips.  If these areas are tried to scrap off, red inflated areas are seen, it can bleed sometimes and can be painful, but mostly are not.

Esophagitis: It can cause inflammation in the esophagus, making swallowing difficult and even painful and can cause chest pain.

Cutaneous (skin) candidiasis: This can cause red patches, moist and red skin.

Vaginal yeast infection: Vaginal infections, soreness, vaginal discharge or burning near vaginal opening is caused by this infection. It can also cause discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Deep candidiasis: When this infection spreads throughout the blood stream it can show number of symptoms including various organ failures.

Expected duration:

Healthy people who have thrush, cutaneous candidiasis, or vaginal yeast infections, Candida infections can be treated easily. But people with Aids or other such illness or with a weak immune system, it can cause difficulty in curing. In people with weak immune systems, it can be life threating.

What does the research says:

There is a very little research that has directly confirmed that there is a significant effects of diet on Candida infection, but as it is healthy overall, hence it can be tried.

Sugar can be replaced with alternatives such as xylitol. In a research in 2018 ,it was also confirmed that xylitol have properties that can prevent Candida growth in the mouth.

Another research suggests that high intake of sugar can allow the yeast to bind the mouth cells and xylitol produces an opposite effect.

Excluding the foods that cause an increase in pH level should be removed from the diet. It may prevent Candida. However, more research is needed to confirm this theory.

Gluten can cause harm in the walls of intestines and can promote dybiosis, which can cause an imbalance in the concentration of gut microbiota. Hence, it should be removed from the diet.

What is the candida diet, and how does it work?

Candida diet is basically a module of food that helps individual to stop growth of candida or even avoid it to produce in the first place. The diet requires people to avoid all those things that can increase the risk of Candida. This diet focuses on eating proteins and vegetables. This helps in minimizing the inflammation and balancing the bacteria.According to the findings of a 2017 laboratory, the higher the level of glucose concentration in blood, the higher the risk is of having Candida. The foods that contain fructose in them, may help in preventing Candida growth in mouth. Food that contributes in yeast growth can promote Candida. But, still this diet is not confirmed as effective.

Foods to eat:

People should include the following things in their diet to :

  • Diet should include non-starchy vegetables .
  • Low sugar fruits should be used but in a moderate amount.
  • Fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, and yogurt can also be very healthy.
  • Nuts and seeds like almonds. Coconut can be used.
  • Fats should be used but in a healthy way like coconut oil, virgin oil.
  • Dairy products like butter, ghee, yoghurt can be healthy and used.
  • Lean proteins, egg , chicken, fish should be a part of the diet.
  • Natural sugar free sweeteners, including stevia, monk fruit extract, erythritol, and xylitol can reduce the growth of Candida.
  • Probiotics can also be added in diet.

Foods to avoid:

The diet should have a limited amount of sugar, gluten, lactose and alcohol

People should avoid the following things when carrying the Candida diet:

  • Starchy vegetables and high sugar fruits
  • Some types of meat like farm-raised fish
  • Products high in lactose
  • Fats and oils that are processed like canola oil or margarine
  • Sugars and  artificial sweeteners like agave, sucrose or corn syrup should not be included in the diet.
  • Nuts of certain types like peanuts, pistachios and cashews should be avoided
  • Coffee , sugar and other caffeine drinks along with alcohol should be avoided.