All You Need To Know About Double Chin Removal Treatment

As we age, the likelihood of getting a double chin is common. With more and more people opting for double chin removal treatments, there are various factors to consider in understanding why the condition comes about.

Reasons for a double chin

There are various reasons for a double chin, all of which are not related to weight gain and poor lifestyle choices:

Genetics. The genetic makeup of an individual may make them susceptible to getting a double chin. A family history of double chins either through minimal skin elasticity or excess fatty deposits may affect this.

Poor posture. Poor chin posture might cause laxity on the skin surrounding the chin leading to a double chin, as the muscles around it are not in use.

Age. The older we get, the more the skin loses its elastic aspect. This is primarily seen on the chin and seeks to result in most individuals having a double chin.

Weight gain. Sudden or gradual weight gain might make individuals gather excessive weight on their chin. Consuming unhealthy processed foods can speed up this process.

Treatment options

Despite having a double chin, various surgical and non-surgical procedures can seek to rid the chin of excess fat and tighten the neck leading to a more defined and slimmer appearance.

These treatment options can be a combination of two or more procedures depending on the individual condition for more pertinent results:


This is a fast-growing non-invasive procedure that targets fatty skin around the neck area. This procedure consists of injecting a solution of deoxycholic acid into the chin area which decomposes fatty cells inside the skin. Deoxycholic acid is also found in the gallbladder and used to dissolve dietary fat in the body. This makes it the perfect component to melt excess fat commonly found in the neck. The destroyed fat cells are thereby naturally expelled from the body as they can no longer store fat, leading to a thinner tauter chin.

The non-surgical benefits of this procedure make it the ideal candidate for fast and efficient treatment. Patients who undergo this procedure observe some swelling and bruising as a result of the injection which goes away after a few hours. However, the effects of the treatment vary depending on individual responses. The chin area may also harden and redden after the procedure. The procedure is spaced out for several weeks, with up to six sessions depending on the amount of fat on the chin, and the individual preferences.


Liposuction is a permanent surgical option for removing fat from under the chin. This procedure involves making a small incision on the chin and inserting a tube normally called a cannula, to suck out the fat deposits under the skin. The cannula is propelled back and forth until the right amount of fat deposits is expelled from the chin.

This is done strategically and gently to enable the contour of the chin and neck area. This procedure requires local anesthesia to numb the area before the procedure. The skin is previously cleansed with an antiseptic to prevent the risk of infection. The patient is afterward bandaged with a chin strap to support the skin during healing.


This is also a surgical procedure that enables the surgeon to remove excess fat from the chin. This procedure requires general anesthesia, unlike liposuction. The use of general anesthesia may pose some risk factors to patients with serious health conditions; therefore, proper considerations should be taken before the procedure.

Neck lift

A neck lift aims in removing the extra skin in the chin and neck, leaving the patient with a tighter feel of the chin and neck after the procedure. Small incisions on the chin or along the hairline will be made which aid in removing excess skin, resulting in tightening. The tightening of the neck muscle is done to result in a general natural look. The skin is afterward closed with stitches which heal and dissolve after some time.


This procedure uses heat from a laser to melt away the fat deposits on the chin. This procedure only removes the fat and does not seek to tighten the surrounding skin by improving elasticity. This is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure.

The surgical procedures require downtime of around two to three weeks depending on the individual. The skin around the neck and chin may be sore and swell after the procedure. Patients are to avoid direct sun exposure and water exposure on the treated area. The surgeon is most likely to prescribe antibiotics for pain management, healing, and to prevent the likelihood of infections.

Things to consider

Several chin exercises can be employed to help get rid of excess fat around the chin area. As there is just anecdotal evidence that these might work, incorporating them into your daily routine is an added advantage. Stretching the neck, jaw, and tongue can elicit some changes. However, these exercises should be considered together with other forms of double chin techniques as mentioned above.

It is best to consult a specialist and certified board cosmetic surgeon for consultation before any double chin removal treatment. This helps to consider the available possible options that you can employ based on your medical history, physical appearance, and fatty cells in the treatment area. The certified physician will also advise on possible risk factors and considerations before and after the procedure.

It is advisable to consider the possible risk factors for surgical procedures before treatment. Individuals should be open and candid about their lifestyle to prevent any adverse effects with the medications used during the surgical procedure.

Having realistic expectations before and after the surgery is important with double chin removal treatment. It is best to discuss with your surgeon important questions about the procedure before the treatment.

It is best to maintain a healthy weight to ensure that fat deposits do not settle on the chin as you grow older. Proper health practices go a long way in ensuring the cholesterol levels are maintained in the right levels according to individual body type, weight, and height. Exercising regularly and eating healthy is the key to prevent additional fat deposits in the body.