Amazon PPC Management Tactics to Make More Money in 2020

Even with all the campaign data in the world, predicting the future is never easy, especially when it comes to PPC. You don’t know the latest trends until they hit. With Amazon’s marketing landscape continually changing, it has become difficult for the sellers to stick to one tactic.

Well, it is a known fact that the majority of the users go to Amazon when they shop online. So, the competition is really high between the sellers. Even with a fully optimized Amazon product listing, you still need to focus on getting a robust Amazon PPC management strategy to get the most out of your ad campaigns.

Don’t worry; you are one of the many Amazon sellers who are struggling with their Amazon PPC management tactics. Keeping that in mind, here are the top Amazon PPC management tactics you should be looking at in 2020 to stay ahead of the game.

#1 Find Keyword Opportunities

When we say this, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to look for high-price or top-ten keywords, but those that show up and convert well for you and your competitors.

This is because such keywords usually come with high CPC and competition. In simple terms, you need to find keywords that aren’t already being in play regarding bid escalation and usage.

In order to achieve this, you need to start at the bottom and slowly work your way up. As a new seller, you will have a rough time competing with already established sellers.

Thus, the goal is to go after long-tail keywords to make your target audience a bit aware of you and then gradually take up the next-level keywords, including the most searched queries. But keep in mind that every keyword you target must be relevant to your product.

#2 Regulate your Bids by Ad Placements

Amazon allows you to optimize your PPC campaigns with more expertise and gives you more control over how much you are willing to pay for your ads and where you want them to appear. This ultimately allows you to regulate your bids centered on ad placements.

Your Amazon PPC ads will appear in any of the following places –

  • On the product details page and/or on the add-to-cart page
  • Within the rest of the search results
  • Top of the search results

You can review the ad placement report on Amazon and determine which of the mentioned positions brought you the most conversions and exposure.

This will allow you to set the ad placement bidding multiplier between 0% and 900% for each placement to further increase your chances of raising brand awareness while landing conversions.

Now that you are using your usual bidding strategy along with the placement multiplier, you may think of what is going to be your bid amount. Well, it is fairly simple! There are three types of bidding strategies that you may follow:

  1. Fixed Bids – you pay what you mention, there are no adjustments made
  2. Dynamic Bids (up and down) – given that the ads are likely to lead to a sale, the bids can be raised by a maximum of 100%. On the other hand, if the ads are less likely to convert, the bids will reduce
  3. Dynamic Bids (down only) – if your ads are less likely to generate sales, the bids will be lowered

#3 Rank Optimization through Amazon PPC

For a given keyword, you can optimize the rank and position of your product listing within the search engine results pages by having distinct sets of ad campaigns, with budgets and bids varying considerably across each set.

For starters, you need to track all the top keywords (related to your product) and see their rank on Amazon. Then you need to analyze the position and the page rank of your listing. After that, consider the following:

  • If the listing ranks beyond page five of Amazon search results, you are advised to emphasize a handful of keywords with the potential to convert well, instead of focusing on keywords that are ranking there. You need to understand that the bid here requires being modest, which also helps in preserving your funds.
  • If the listing ranks in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th pages, you can focus on top-performing keywords. However, you are required to bid consistently to see which keywords are getting the most sales. Once you find the keywords, you need to optimize your listing using these keywords.
  • If the listing ranks in the 1st and 2nd pages, you need to be vigilant with your bidding. As you are only a few spots down from the top positions, you need to proceed with an aggressive attitude so that you can improve your product’s visibility.

#4 Don’t Consider Sponsored Products Ads as your Only Weapon in the Arsenal

You have access to Sponsored Brands Ads if you are third-party sellers on Seller Central or a vendor on Vendor Central. There’s less competition on Sponsored Brands Ads (headline search ads) than there is with Sponsored Products Ads.

It is great for both branding and sales since it can take customers to your Amazon brand page. Moreover, Product Display Ads aren’t available to brand owners, meaning there is even less competition there.

You have to mix it up to see which combination works the best for your listing. Diversification is the key if you want to succeed with your Amazon PPC campaigns in 2020.

#5 Go Beyond Tools Provided By Amazon

While tools provided by Amazon are essential, it is important that you seek alternate options because Amazon tools don’t give you a competitive edge. If you are serious about your PPC ad campaigns, you need a platform that is strictly designed for Amazon Advertising.

Platforms like SellerMotor offer a suite of Amazon seller tools that can help you manage your PPC campaigns. You need a PPC campaign tool that can provide you with all the necessary insights on PPC ads along with bid suggestions and data-driven keywords.

In conclusion, you are advised to stay vigilant with your tactics if you want to reap the benefits. If you have any queries regarding the tactics mentioned, feel free to ask us.