Amazon’s electronic personal assistant Alexa can now offer dating advice — and it’s not exactly G-rated.
Match, the dating website and app, has developed a new skill for the AI devices, which enables them to dole out answers and advice for questions about dating, romance, and sex.
Now, Alexa has some very sassy quips ready for queries like ‘What if we have sex?’ and ‘What if he has roommates?’
She can do everything! Match has partnered with Amazon to give Alexa a new skill set

Turn-offs: Alexa can now give advice on sex and dating and has some very funny answers
Independent companies can develop new skills for Alexa devices, and users have the option of enabling them on their own.
This week, Match announced the launch of a Match dating skill with mature — and endlessly amusing — content.
It was timed to hit during the busiest time of the year for online dating, which, according to Match, is from the day after Christmas to Valentine’s Day.
Called ‘Match’s First Date What Ifs,’ it works by having users ask a dating question that begins with the phrase ‘What if?’
Alexa then has responses ready to go, including some very precise instructions for engaging in sex.

PG-13: The feature needs to be enabled and includes some more ‘mature’ content
When asked, ‘What if he/she wants to have sex?’ Alexa has several possible answers, including an instructional one (‘Simple. Remove clothing. In, out. Repeat’) and an empowering one (‘If you do too, do them. If you don’t, DO YOU.’)
If someone asks Alexa what happens if his or her partner has roommates, she says, ‘They’re going to hear everything, so make it worthwhile.’
To ‘What if my hands are sweaty?’ Alexa says ‘Go in for the hug. Unless your chest is sweaty too. LOL.’
Answering ‘What if I don’t want to see her again?’ Alexa suggests, ‘Try using a gift card to pay. That usually works.
For the question of ‘What if she’s out of my league?’ Alexa gives a pep talk, saying: ‘Remember, she picked you. Nobody’s perfect.’

Someone to talk to: Alexa can also offer singles a daily ‘dating motivation’
If you ask about having more than one drink, she says, ‘Allow yourself two cocktails if they’re cute. Have six if they’re not,’ and to the question of what to do when you can’t wait to text them after a date, she says, ‘Text them as soon as you like. But if you’re trying to play it cool, two days is the sweet spot.’
She even has some statistics ready, like the dinner cuisine type most likely to score you a second date (sushi) and the chances a man or woman will want to make out on a first day.
Alexa can also offer singles a daily ‘dating motivation.’