Amid trade dispute, New England and Canadian leaders to…

Amid trade dispute, New England and Canadian leaders to talk

MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) – Some of the political leaders from the New England states and the premiers of the five eastern Canadian provinces will be meeting at a Vermont ski resort while a bitter trade dispute simmers between Washington and Ottawa.

The 42nd Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers will be held Monday in Stowe.

This year’s meeting comes as the U.S., Canada and Mexico are renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement and Trump administration officials have made snarky comments about Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

At a national level, the two countries have imposed trade tariffs on goods such as steel and aluminum.

McGill University professor emeritus Armand de Mestral says he thinks the leaders will be looking for ways to ensure trade continues within the region.


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