Anglo Saxons may have spotted the mysterious Planet X during the Dark Ages

Trails of dust and gas in the night sky recorded by Anglo-Saxon astronomers may provide evidence of the mysterious Planet Nine, academics at Queen’s University claim.

Experts believe depictions of comets spotted in the Dark Ages will provide further clues on the whereabouts of the hypothetical celestial body.

Scientists have long debated whether or not a rogue planet, dubbed Planet Nine, lurks at the edge of our solar system.

Some astronomers think the existence of the alleged planet – which they claim is ten times the size of Earth – explains the strange way distant objects in space move.

Researchers believe Anglo Saxon accounts, combined with modern scientific techniques, could be used to investigate the effects of Planet Nine. 


The Bayeux Tapestry features a depiction of the 1066 Halley’s Comet. Trails of dust and gas in the night sky recorded by Anglo Saxon astronomers may hold evidence of the mysterious Planet Nine, academics at Queen’s University claim

Experts, including a medieval historian and an astronomer, at Queen’s University, Belfast, make the claims as part of an exhibition exploring Anglo-Saxon understanding of the cosmos. 

As part of their study, they are combining records of comets from Anglo-Saxon sources with contemporary images of the icy space objects, including from Nasa and The Northern Ireland Amateur Astronomy Society.

By marrying historical and scientific approaches, researchers hope to reveal new findings on Planet Nine.

Those hoping for theoretical Earth-sized doomsday planets proposed by astrologers and science fiction writers may have to keep searching, however. 

Pictured here is likely a depiction of Halley’s Comet as seen in spring 1145. Part of the text reads: 'The star comet has a ray such as this, and in English is called the long-haired star. It appears rarely during the course of the year, and then as a portent'

Pictured here is likely a depiction of Halley’s Comet as seen in spring 1145. Part of the text reads: ‘The star comet has a ray such as this, and in English is called the long-haired star. It appears rarely during the course of the year, and then as a portent’

Shown here is the first attested contemporary observation of a comet in England, recorded in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in May 891 during the reign of King Alfred the Great. It reads: 'There appeared the star which is called in Latin cometa. Some people say that it is in English the long-haired star, because there shines a long ray from it'

Shown here is the first attested contemporary observation of a comet in England, recorded in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in May 891 during the reign of King Alfred the Great. It reads: ‘There appeared the star which is called in Latin cometa. Some people say that it is in English the long-haired star, because there shines a long ray from it’

Experts do not believe that Planet Nine is the bizarre Nibiru, also referred to as Planet Nine, which conspiracy theorists say may lead to the end of life on Earth.

Dr Marilina Cesario, from the university’s school of arts, English and languages, said: ‘This research project renegotiates the meaning and importance of medieval science and demonstrates how medieval records of comets can help test the theory of the existence of the elusive ‘Planet Nine’.


Astronomers believe that the orbits of a number of bodies in the distant reaches of the solar system have been disrupted by the pull of an as yet unidentified planet.

First proposed by a group at CalTech in the US, this alien world was theorised to explain the distorted paths seen in distant icy bodies.

In order to fit in with the data they have, this alien world – popularly called Planet Nine – would need to be roughly four time the size of Earth and ten times the mass.

Researchers say a body of this size and mass would explain the clustered paths of a number of icy minor planets beyond Neptune.

Its huge orbit would mean it takes between 10,000 and 20,000 years to make a single pass around the sun. 

The theoretical Planet Nine is based on the gravitational pull it exerts on these bodies, with astronomers confident it will be found in the coming years.

Those hoping for theoretical Earth-sized planets proposed by astrologers or science fiction writers – which are ‘hiding behind the sun’ and linked with Doomsday scenarios – may have to keep searching.

1145 depiction of 'Halley's comet'. By marrying historical and scientific approaches, researchers hope to reveal new findings on Planet Nine

1145 depiction of ‘Halley’s comet’. By marrying historical and scientific approaches, researchers hope to reveal new findings on Planet Nine

Shown here is Giotto's 'Adoration of the Magi,' which may depict Halley's Comet. Halley’s Comet pays us a visit every 76 years or so, but its exact arrival date cannot be predicted

Shown here is Giotto’s ‘Adoration of the Magi,’ which may depict Halley’s Comet. Halley’s Comet pays us a visit every 76 years or so, but its exact arrival date cannot be predicted

Trails of dust and gas in the night sky recorded by Anglo Saxon astronomers may hold evidence of the mysterious Planet X (artist's impression) Exerts believe depictions of comets in the dark ages may provide further clues on the whereabouts of the hypothetical celestial body

Trails of dust and gas in the night sky recorded by Anglo Saxon astronomers may hold evidence of the mysterious Planet X (artist’s impression) Exerts believe depictions of comets in the dark ages may provide further clues on the whereabouts of the hypothetical celestial body

‘Looking at records of comets in Old English, Latin, Old Irish and Russian texts we aim to show that the early medieval people actually recorded genuine astronomical observations, reflecting their interest in cosmology and understanding of the heavens.

‘The idea for this study came about from the strong desire to challenge the assumption and perceived lack of scientific enquiry in the early Middle Ages, commonly referred to as ‘Dark Ages’.’

The earliest description of a comet in England came in the year 891 AD, during the reign of Alfred the Great.

A well-known comet of 1066 AD, depicted in the famous 11th-century Bayeux Tapestry, was described in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle as ‘a sign in the skies such as had never been seen before’.

Pedro Lacerda (left) and Marilina Cesario (right) make the claims as part of an exhibition exploring Anglo-Saxon understanding of the cosmos. They are combining Anglo-Saxon sources with contemporary images of comets with the hopes of making new discoveries

Pedro Lacerda (left) and Marilina Cesario (right) make the claims as part of an exhibition exploring Anglo-Saxon understanding of the cosmos. They are combining Anglo-Saxon sources with contemporary images of comets with the hopes of making new discoveries


Nibiru, sometimes referred to as Planet X, is a hypothesised planet on the edge of our solar system.

Nibiru is a different planet to the Planet Nine, which is also sometimes referred to as Planet X, that was proposed by astronomers in Caltech in January last year. 

Conspiracy theorists believe the gravitational influence of the ‘rogue planet’ Nibiru disrupted the orbits of other planets hundreds of years ago.

They claim the next disruptive passage into the inner solar system could happen at any time.

Some claim that this ‘planet’ is sending ‘plasmatic energy particles’ through our solar system.

Conspiracy theorists believe the gravitational influence of the 'rogue planet' Nibiru disrupted the orbits of other planets hundreds of years ago. Artist's impression pictured 

Conspiracy theorists believe the gravitational influence of the ‘rogue planet’ Nibiru disrupted the orbits of other planets hundreds of years ago. Artist’s impression pictured 

The flow of energy will disrupt the ‘core flows’ of the Earth and trigger catastrophic changes in Earth’s climate.

They claim, since 1996, we have already been feeling the disruptive effects of the inbound rogue Planet X.

Conspiracy theorists often blame natural disasters and freak weather patterns on the planet.

‘Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an internet hoax,’ NASA has said. ‘Obviously, it does not exist.’

It came to be understood as a portent heralding the end of the English dynasty at the hands of the Normans.

Astronomers believe that the orbits of a number of bodies in the distant reaches of the solar system have been disrupted by the pull of an as yet unidentified planet.

First proposed by a group at CalTech in the US, this alien world was theorised to explain the distorted paths seen in distant icy bodies.

In order to fit in with the data they have, this alien world – popularly called Planet Nine – would need to be roughly four time the size of Earth and ten times the mass.

Researchers say a body of this size and mass would explain the clustered paths of a number of icy minor planets beyond Neptune.

Its huge orbit would mean it takes between 10,000 and 20,000 years to make a single pass around the sun.

The theoretical Planet Nine is based on the gravitational pull it exerts on these bodies, with astronomers confident it will be found in the coming years.

Dr Pedro Lacerda, an astrophysicist and expert on comets and the solar system at Queen’s, added: ‘It is fantastic to be able to use data which is about one thousand years old to investigate a current theory. To me, this is one of the most fascinating aspects of our project.

‘Any strong indication that a ‘Planet Nine’ is required to fit the comet sightings recorded in the Middle Ages will be a unique result and will certainly have a remarkable impact on our understanding of the solar system.’ 


1066: Between seven and twelve thousand Norman soldiers defeat an English army of a similar size at what is now Battle, East Sussex

1476: The embroidered cloth depicting the battle is referred to for the first time in an inventory of Bayeux Cathedral

1732-3: Antiquarian Smart Lethieullier writes the first detailed English account of the tapestry while living in Paris – but it is not published till 1767 

Nazi ghoul Heinrich Himmler (pictured) coveted the cloth because it is a part of Germanic history

Nazi ghoul Heinrich Himmler (pictured) coveted the cloth because it is a part of Germanic history

1792: During the French Revolution, the precious artwork was declared public property and confiscated to be used as a covering for wagons – but it was saved by a lawyer who hid it in his home 

1804: In a move dripping in symbolism, Napoleon – under the impression France was about to invade and conquer Britain – had the tapestry temporarily moved to Paris for display

1870: The tapestry is removed from Bayeux once again during the Franco-Prussian War – but it is moved back two years later 

1944: The Gestapo removed the tapestry to the Louvre in Paris – just days before the German withdrawal. A message from Heimlich Himmler – who coveted the cloth because it is a part of Germanic history – is believed to imply the Nazis planned to take it to Berlin 

1945: It was returned to Bayeux, where it has been ever since