Aussie OnlyFans star uncovers ‘absolutely disgusting’ find in her Amsterdam Airbnb – and reveals what happened after she made a furious complaint
- Australian OnlyFans star finds bugs in Airbnb bed
- Many commenters believed they were bedbugs
An Australian OnlyFans star on holiday in Europe with her mother has made a skin-crawling discovery in her Airbnb.
Influencer, Anna Paul, was relaxing in her accommodation when her mum started to feel bugs crawling along her neck and throughout their bed.
The 24-year-old from the Gold Coast took photos of what appears to bed bugs underneath the blanket they were attempting to fall asleep on.
‘When my mama lay down in bed last night, little bugs started crawling up her neck, they were crawling up her legs,’ Ms Paul told her fans on TikTok.
‘Hopefully we get a refund.’
Influencer, Anna Paul, was relaxing in her accommodation when her mum started to feel bugs crawling along her neck and throughout their bed
Ms Paul said in the video, which has been viewed almost 3million times, that she had stripped the bed clean of its linen in an attempt to curb the spread of the bugs.
‘She (her mother) thought she was tripping, She’s like, “surely not”,’ Ms Paid said.
The adult content creator then shows an image of the bugs, saying: ‘are you kidding me? There’s so many of them’.
‘Mama and I fell asleep on this couch together head to toe, because it was the only thing we could do … It was actually very comfortable,’ Ms Paul said.
‘What makes it worse is our luggage is all open next to the bed.’
Bed bugs spread quickly in hidden areas in luggage, clothing and linen, being able to cause an infestation seemingly out of nowhere.
The tiny insects can bite the exposed skin of an unsuspecting sleeper, leading to itchy, red marks often in a line.
Those who suspect bed bugs have gotten into their clothes or linen are urged to wash all of their potentially infected items in hot water and to dry on the hottest setting to kill the bugs.
Ms Paul revealed in a comment underneath the video that the Airbnb host had ‘ghosted’ her after she complained about the bugs.

Ms Paul and her mother were forced to sleep ‘head-to-toe’ on the couch after finding bugs underneath the beds’ blanket

Although she complained to the Airbnb host, Ms Paul claims they ‘ghosted’ her soon after
Numerous social media users were disgusted by the find, with many believing that the insects were bed bugs.
‘You should have left. If the bed has bed bugs then the couch does too and your things probably have them now as well,’ one user wrote.
‘If you don’t want to throw your clothes away wash and dry with high heat and steam everything,’ a second wrote.
‘It took my family literally a year to get rid of them!! Had to throw literally everything out,’ a third wrote.