Apprentice star Karen Brady, 54, says she feels too old to be Lord Alan Sugar’s right-hand woman

Karen Brady has revealed she’s ‘getting too old’ at 54 to be Alan Sugar’s right-hand woman on The Apprentice – despite the fact he’s still going strong at 76.

‘I’m getting too old for it, TV’s a young person’s game,’ said Baroness Brady, who has been on the BBC show for 15 years.

She added: ‘The days are very long, we film seven weeks back-to-back without a break, from five in the morning until 11 at night. When I started I was in my 30s and now I’m in my 50s.’

The Tory peer also disclosed she undergoes a painful facial laser treatment to keep her youthful glow for fans of the show which returned this week.

Karen Brady says she feels she is getting too old to be Lord Sugar’s right-hand woman on The Apprentice

Brady has fronted sat beside Lord Sugar in the boardroom for 15 years

Brady has fronted sat beside Lord Sugar in the boardroom for 15 years

The 40-minute treatment in London’s Knightsbridge costs up to £3,000, with clients advised to take painkillers as skin is heated to encourage creation of collagen.

‘I’m not a big fan of filler and Botox but I love a good facial.I’m addicted to a laser treatment because as you get older, parts of your body start to sag and you need it lifted a little,’ said the West Ham United vice-chairwoman.

She and ex-footballer husband Paul Peschisolido, 52, holiday with Lord Sugar and wife Lady Ann on his yacht in the Med.

‘He decides where we go because it’s his boat,’ she said. ‘He’s also got the best chef I’ve ever come across – so you put on about three stones!’
