Most women appreciate the odd surprise from their partner, however, as these photos prove that not all surprises are good.
A hilarious online gallery has revealed some of the cruelest – and craftiest – pranks that men have performed on their girlfriends.
In many cases men took their partners’ requests far too literally with one serving up washing up sponges covered in icing as a ‘sponge cake’ while another who filled their bathroom with toast for a ‘toasty shower’.
Mocking a woman’s appearance is never a wise idea but these cheeky husbands dared to do so with one deliberately matching his outfits to his wife and another comparing his partner to a very unflattering cartoon character.
In the most daring pranks cheeky chaps go as far as to mock their wives when in labour, including one man who made a novelty t-shirt for the occasion.
A hilarious online gallery has revealed the crafty pranks men have played on their girlfriends, including one who was awarded with a cake for letting off wind

When asking for a three-carat ring, this woman didn’t exactly get what she wished for

When asked if he would like his girlfriend’s present gift wrapped this man bizarrely asked the shop assistant to make it look as bad a possible

This especially cruel man fooled his girlfriend into thinking he was leaving her before presenting the second half of the letter

As this cheeky man points out, the toilet roll is not technically empty, justifying his excuse of not replacing it

When his partner asked for a sponge cake this hapless chef did deliver, but not in a way she expected

While babysitting their son, this father snuck into his room wearing a mask, giving his wife, who has access to the baby monitor, a real fright

The last thing you want while in labour is someone there to capture the excruciating pain

After discovering that his wife had sequin motion cushions this husband couldn’t resist getting a little creative

After being in the dog house, what better way to suck up to your partner than sending her a bunch of flours

This woman was far from amused when her boyfriend compared her outfit choices to Spongebob Squarepants character Pinhead Larry

One boyfriend terrorised his poor partner by hiding this terrifying clown cut-out around the house on several occasions

Having been asked to throw his wife a ‘generic birthday party’ this man technically delivered

This woman wanted nothing more than a ‘golden retriever’ and that exactly what she got

One daring man went as far as to get novelty t-shirts made for his wife’s labour – which she clearly didn’t appreciate

This man makes every effort to perfectly match his partner’s outfit every time they go out

This woman was delighted to received a massage from her boyfriend, little did she know…

One woman wanted nothing more than a toasty shower, and her boyfriend was determined to deliver just that