Are You Facing Litigation? Here’s How Lawyers Can Help You Manage This During COVID-19

Facing litigation at any time is never a pleasant prospect. The complications and financial costs that it can bring to your business can interrupt your normal operations and processes. However, in these times of coronavirus, being faced with litigation, in areas like private wealth law or wills and estate planning, can be even more fraught with difficulties.

Rather than trying to navigate these tribulations on your own, it is always a good idea to use the services of business lawyers in Melbourne. Business lawyers are adapting their services to meet the needs of their clients in these uncertain times. While it may not be “business as usual” these days, they can provide assistance and guidance when it comes to handling litigation.

Let’s look at some specific pieces of advice and ways that lawyers, like Rockwell Bates Private Client Lawyers, can help you to manage litigation during the coronavirus shutdown.

They Can Help You Settle Disputes Out Of Court

Business lawyers can certainly help you do everything possible to prevent litigation from reaching the courts. Handling matters before they are amplified and taken to court is usually the preferred outcome for most business owners in the first place.

However, since there are restrictions on courthouses in the current climate, proceedings will likely move more slowly than usual. Businesses will benefit from being able to sort out their litigation issues sooner rather than later outside of the court. However, if necessary, some cases are being conducted electronically and business lawyers will be able to assist you in handling these arrangements.

They Can Help You Prepare For An Appeal

If you were in the early stages of planning and preparing an appeal for litigation that you have already been to court for, then business lawyers will be able to assist you with starting the appeal process. Appeals can often be complex and time-consuming which means that having this time to begin preparing post-trial motions and new strategies will be valuable for your legal situation.

They Can Keep You Updated Remotely

Simply staying in touch with your legal team will be able to provide you with improved peace of mind and reassurance throughout the coronavirus shutdown.

Business lawyers, in all areas including private wealth and wills and estate planning, will be able to stay in touch with you throughout the coronavirus pandemic closures. Any concerns you may have over outstanding litigation can likely still be resolved with a phone or video call. Although the current situation presents numerous challenges for the legal system, there are still many ways to stay in constant contact with your legal representation if the need arises.

The Right Business Lawyers For All Legal Needs

Fortunately, professional business lawyers are adjusting to the present uncertainty and are able to work with clients requiring all manner of legal services. From private wealth law to wills and estate planning, get in touch with our Rockwell Bates Private Client team to assist you.